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  1. Yeah ive heard that's the case unfortunately but im sure ill be happy in my manual even if its not quite as fast
  2. Thanks for the advice, it really helps! much appreciated.. had my heart set on this for a while. Yeah im set on a manual, its all ive ever owned and being so young I dont think you'll catch me in an auto for a few years! and I really do want it to become a hobby for me, and I really want to get into it myself as much as I can and learn about the car and so on so forth without babbling on to much... Im willing to put some coin away for repairs and modding and all the rest, and id love to tag along on any cruises, hopefully ill be at the next one sporting my first T!
  3. Yeah, definitely going to buy a car in good nic.. Going to take my mechanic with me to check it out when I go to inspect a few and get one that's been looked after! was just curious if there was a huge difference between the BA's and BF's.. So basically just going to look for one in good nic that's a 6spd manual, and it should be happy days
  4. Thanks mate, ill definitely look around and try get the best I can for my price range.. would love a BF model if I can get my hands on one because they just sound like a much better base model to start with, fingers crossed!
  5. Yeah im aware of that, cheers for the advice though! that's the budget for purchasing the car, I always put money away each week for mechanical problems/checkups/rego and all the rest of it!
  6. Hey mate, Im in NSW Yeah, I turned 20 in July and could of got my opens then but lost my licence for 3 months unfortunately so it got pushed back to october! To be honest im completely new to the whole modding thing, as ive never really seen the point in doing anything to a v6 whilst ive been on my p's, but now im very eager to learn, and plan to learn as much as I can, and do as much of the stuff myself so I learn more about my own car as I go
  7. Hey everyone, been waiting 3 years to get an xr6T and finally getting off the P plates in a few weeks so looking at buying my first xr6T. Im looking into this alot as I plan to keep the car for a long time, but due to being young and an apprentice my budget is around $16'000, could possibly push it to $20'000 at the utmost. Basically id be looking at a BA model which is fine, I know to stay clear of the 5spd manuals, so looking at the 6spd manual ones but have also heard they are generally not the best of the models.. but are they that bad that I should not consider getting one? and I assume BAmk2 is the best of the BA's? I would like to do some mods to it, but nothing to intense.. sorry if its been answered 1000 times, I have looked over the forum all day, and just thought id ask! Cheers, Josh
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