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  1. This is my first post after a long time reading what others have to say and learning a lot from the many pearls of wisdom dropped by the members of this forum. Now please my bretheren I need your help..... This is the situation My BA Falcon XR6 N/A manual that has done about 60,000kms and has made a strange noise from the gearbox/bell housing area that was identified at around 40,000kms and when the car was at the dealer for it's 45,000km service they were told about it and tried to fob me off with a story about induction noise due to the K&N filter that was installed. (strange that, seeing as I had put the factory air filter back in before the service to rule this out). Anyway..... the car is now at the dealers for it's 60,000km service and as the warranty is very soon to run out, I wanted several issues with the car resolved once and for all. But I am getting very little joy and am getting stuffed around royally. The Symptoms.... The noise sounds like you are rubbing two pieces of paper together or blowing air through the gap in your front teeth. It only happens when the car is mobile/under load in any gear at around 1750rpm it also does it at around 2250rpm at the speed applicable to whatever gear you are in. Anywhere above, below or in between these rpm's and all is fine. The Stuff around..... the car has been at ford dealers for seven days now and they wont give me a straight answer aside from we are looking into it (I dont think they have a clue). It has been assessed that it is not an induction or exhaust noise (which I told them when the car went in) and I suspect that it is driveline related (possibly clutch), but ford won't have a bar of that. The car has already had its clutch replaced under warranty (at 54,000kms) due to a faulty slave cylinder but since then (as well as the problem above persisting) about half the time when the car is stationary, in neutral there is a rumbling noise coming from the gearbox, clutch, bell housing area that disappears when the clutch is depressed which I suspect is the throw out bearing, but ford wont have a bar of that either. someone please give me some info to go to ford with so they stop trying to fob me off, with the cheap easy fixes that just dont work. Cheers and thank you for your time. P.S. This is one of many problems I have had with ford since purchasing this car when time permits I will post the tragic story of the dealers butchering of my car with an attempted fix of another problem using pop rivets which is also yet to be resolved. If this thing was a horse, I would put it out of its misery...
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