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  1. mjobs

    Ba Xr6 Turbo Ute

    Thanks for all the replies again it has help alot
  2. mjobs

    Ba Xr6 Turbo Ute

    Thanks for all the replies, as for looking at BA's its mainly to do with price "Bang for my buck." BF's are that much more expensive... but are they worth it? I was originaly lookin at the holdens vy/vz but soon came to realise that for the same money I could get a XR6 turbo ute which to me makes sence go for the XR6T...? I can say that I wont be seriously modifying the ute to begin with as ive never had a turbo car let alone a turbo ute so it should do me fine... Well for a while Again thanks for the replies it has helped
  3. mjobs

    Ba Xr6 Turbo Ute

    Hi im thinking bout buyin a BA XR6 turbo ute, im looking rould the 2004-2006 models. I just have a few questions. Whats better to have a manual or auto as in performance wise if the car is stock standard? Also are there any known problems with XR6 turbo utes (example noisey gear boxes) And lastly ive been looking online (Carsales Ebay etc) and ive noticed that most of the utes are up to 120.000kms and still wanting $16000 is that to much? as I think its is.... Thanks
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