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About hilly83

  • Birthday 25/10/1983

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  • Location
    Perth, western australia
  1. Happy Birthday hilly83!

  2. Happy Birthday hilly83!

  3. Happy Birthday hilly83!

  4. Happy Birthday hilly83!

  5. Happy Birthday hilly83!

  6. Hi all, has anyone changed their ute from wellbody to tray?? if so how did ya modify the fuel filler as it sits quite high and I want the tray to sit as low as possible.. Im going to build my own tray but not sure about re registration as it will be a 1 tonner?? 1 last question.. im gonna sell the wellbody , ute liner and hard cover , anyone have any idea roughly how much I could sell it all for ?? any ideas would b sweet,cheers
  7. So ive undone the 8 bolts holding the wellbody on, it will slide bout 30mm back and slightly side to side but still cant get it off, anyone got any ideas?
  8. Will doing that straight up give the lowline look or lowering the car as well help, I ask that because ive seen ba's around with the tray but there quite high of the ground and just look s$#@t ... your ute looks sic by the way bud !! that's the look im going for
  9. got the ba xr6t with a wellbody , hard cover etc,, been lookin at pics of utes with the custom tray and man they look mean, now I cant decide wot to do, my ute is now just for weekends etc so dont have to put any tools in the back so m y question is ,,.. What sorta mods do I have to do to exchange the well for tray , lowline tray that is , thinkin of building my own but not sure on how to get that ' that ute looks F#@%$n awseome' and wot is envolved, any feedback would be cool cheers
  10. hilly83


    what does the r stand for ?
  11. hilly83


    so the gt3582r is the same turbo as the gt3540r because that's the one I got in their now ?
  12. hilly83


    just curious will the gt3582r bolt straight into my ba xr6t ? or do I have to do some mods ?
  13. Needing a bit of advice on my ba xr turbo, the bearing in my turbo is stuffed and by that I mean when driving it makes a high pitch squeel and just sounds terrible this was due to the oil filter being blocked and not supplying oil to the bearing, ive replaced the filter but the bearins had it, not sure if the housing is buggered but the bearing moves up and down about 3 mm so needing advice on wot I can do, been quoted 1800 for an exchange garrett turbo but dont really have that sorta money, wot about after market? can I just bolt another one straight on myself? or rebuild better option.... thanks for any advice ,greatly appreciated.
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