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Everything posted by POMME2

  1. Would sure hope not, but the touch up guy I called was terrible. He immediately said he cant beat a price and I should go with the other person, where as I was after quality work... Put me off a bit, so still seeking...
  2. Are you in melbourne may I ask? I'm sure their standard vary a little per suburb/area
  3. In VIC too many panel shops are, well sh1t. And comparing $200 to possibly $1500 is an easy decision, especially when there is the same guarantee on quality with both prices... Has anyone used touch up guys? I think I might go that way as they seem the most popular in this field. Dan the touch up man also looked interesting, he seems to be a solo business, anyone used Dan?
  4. Hi all, Has anyone used and would recommend a mobile paint company / guy ? I like to take extreme care so am putting feelers out for anyone who is known to be good at what they do. I need a bumper repaired (paint only), previously quoted $170 ish from a company. Has anyone used someone before? My car is blood orange with quite good paint, so the repair has to be well done to not be noticeable. Any help appreciated, Regards Michael.
  5. just went to do my 2003 xr6 turbo. Its in amazing nick, 165k, leather trim etc , sunroof big brakes, stock. last time I had it for 14k a year or so ago but had it off the road. now online is telling me max I can insure it for is 8300!!?? Is that so, should I accept?
  6. Hi Guys, I would like to know how to get the XR font. I am simply getting a sticker made up, and require the font/design to submit to the person I am dealing with. I am after the BA/BF version . If you must know, I'm slapping them on some centre caps. Possibly.... I saw a thread on AFF, however looked very much like the AU XR6 not the BA/BF Any help would be greatly apprciated, I have come to an end in my investigation and have no options other than taking a picture of an XR and editing it... Currently im overseas so cant do that Thanks guys, im sure someone will have this. Regards, Michael
  7. What time you guys meeting at the Cafe initially ? This cruise sounds fun, not sure if I have plans that night, hopefully they all fall through. lol Thanks Michael.
  8. YEah definately dont wanna roll guards or appply camber etc . I may just go look elsewhere then. as Simply the 10.5 seems to cause issues, so I will start looking elsewhere, maybe the ROTA GTR-D or something from ROTA.
  9. Sorry for being so noob to the aftermarket wheel game but, what do you mean by poke ? So If +22 will clear inside so will +12 but I assume +12 will stick out the guard?
  10. Great info mate, really appreciate it. Just to be clear a lower offset would be +12? or over 30. These come in +12 and +22 I think. I will have to ignore the varrstoen rims then, too wide for the sedan unless they do another offset. Might just paint my xr8 rims black for now lol.
  11. Well what size did you get? that's the issue maybe I will have to go to a shop and ask for advice.
  12. So why is everyone saying it is imposisble? I think that UTE may have the rims I want lol. Seriously guys, now whats the issue, someone is saying that it works and some say it don't. Looks like this may be an imposisble task to perform without test fitting. I dont want to rub sh*t, the look, well who cares, as long as I dont rub im sure it wont look stupid.
  13. Hey this is for an 18" Rim, cannot believe I didnt mention, sorry. I was speaking with the Manufacturer for these measurements, I am shocked they are so wrong int he you are saying they WONT fit. They were Varstossen 2.2.1 I was after, cant try them before I fit them as no dealerhsip in Melbourne. This is frustrating...
  14. HI Guys im after wheels that only come in 9.5 front and 10.5 rear with wheel people saying 235 and 255 fitment, with a +12 offset. Anyone know if id have any issues with a 265 , or what are my limits?
  15. Well I have a choice for the rears. I wanted wider for grip,. 18x8.5 Mid/High (not sure what mid high refers to) or 18x10 , I need to check the offsets, im going to the shop tomorrow should be able to get the specs there... I want 18x10 on back from grip etc, hoping it will fit...
  16. sh*t sorry, need to add that to my sig. 2003 BA XR6 Turbo Sedan . Low King Springs, now superlow.
  17. Does anyone know what the widest tyre you can put on an XR6T? Looking at getting some wheels, so need to know max width so I can look at my options. Width in Rim size or Tyre width is fine. Conversion at bottom... http://www.kouki.co.uk/utilities/visual-tyre-size-calculator
  18. DOes anyone know what the widest tyre you can put on an XR6T?
  19. WOw, lucky I asked then ey, sounds possible that some rims wont fit... Anyone else in the know?
  20. Hi Guys, I have a BA with the PBR brake upgrade. It currently sits on XR8 18" Rims, but I was looking at going 17 for grip purposes as im getting some wheels. But just thought, will they fit around those brakes?
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