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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. The big question is: Do you feel more tanned?
  2. Probably PAYG tax installments far higher than they need to be when business deductions are considered.. Used to happen to me.. I was paying tax once yearly.. Than they forced me onto a quarterly % tax payment.. Got bulk returns back then..
  3. ^^ spot on Rab.. Took a big night on the piss for me to have a blast.. Reminded me of who I used to be.. Decided that I'm doing alright.. I just gotta choose to enjoy myself again.. So I'm taking that chick to lunch..
  4. Yeah buddy that looks awesome! Note to self.. Pack golf clubs and beer when visiting Jet..
  5. haha exactly right.. Too easy to focus on the crap..Grateful for my little fella.. Cause whenever I start to feel beat down he's just gotta laugh or do something silly and things are better.. The things we actually need to be more thankful for are actually the things that we start to take for granted and don't realise we should be thankful for them.. I think if we ever had extended peachiness, we'd get bored cause there was nothing to bitch about..
  6. Oi snot.. Think of it this way.. (Well how I think of it anyway) I see my life in patterns of 6 years.. 6 years pretty good.. 6 years pretty sh*t.. Everyone can usually pick a different pattern.. With all the sh*t going on I'm gearing up for an absolutely sensational 2015!! (especially if I take you up on that offer for beer!)
  7. Damnit I was gonna speed my visit to sydney up if there was a boat involved.. Was nice boats you were posting on facebook though mate.. If I had a few hundgey grand spare and actually like boating and fishing I would have bought one for sure..
  8. No he said 90% is good and 10% is bullsh*t didn't he? Hence why I declared myself in the 10%..
  9. JUDGED!!! And Morning Corzza how's things in sydney mate? Did ya buy a boat?
  10. Roger cordia is pretty good too.. And stripes won't sleep tonight..
  11. haha I saw the wild night regrets thread in the bowels before.. Good ol' self roofies..
  12. Lol you'll be sorely disappointed if you donate to read that story mate.. It's nothing spectacular
  13. Now to find the DM section on my phone..
  14. Mate I saw some big blokes come through a bakery and faint because they couldn't handle the heat or the humidity.. I used to be all like that: Oh you soft office workers don'tknow what real work is.. One of my mates is a solicitor and he's good with words.. He once said to me: The labour of the mind is far more intensive than the labour of the muscles. He wasn't wrong.. Don't get me wrong I still love getting out of the office and onsite where I can get my boots dirty (from standing around), because I get a break.. But that's the nature of my job.. WHen I'm in the office it's go go go go go.. Managing 6-8 large projects.. Keeping track of where everything is in your head.. It is a big job.. Yeah there are office workers who have no idea what real work is like.. But not all of them..
  15. I'll let it out.. f*ck I'm over it.. Probably best I don't do it on the works internet though cause they just got the same generic response in my meeting.. Judgemental bastards need not find the post..
  16. I went in there ready to not take it seriously.. And D would be the correct answer.. Interviewing with a new company Wednesday..
  17. ^ I'm with stupid.. I spent many years working in a bakery.. Extreme heat... Etc etc.. Not exactly easy work.. Now I sit at a desk.. Can do 16-20 hours a day.. It's fecking exhausting..
  18. Well.. My cheer up attempt obviously failed.. Does suck mate.. If you want I'll look after it for you so you don't have to look at it..
  19. But now instead of just having a GT.. You've got a badass f*cking GT that picks fights and nails bitches.. Got the scars to prove it..
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