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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. Yeah mate.. Utes and drag racing are a different kettle of fish.. Manual?
  2. What's done to your ute gunna? The 60' sure ain't helping you! Break a 2.0 and you'd be in the 12's almost.. I couldn't break the 14's on a stock FG XR6T manual ute on dunflops..
  3. Back home with the little guy.. Looks like I'll get most of this week off as he isn't supposed to leave the house too much.. He's a little trooper that's for sure.. Definitely lucky we spotted it so early.. And because he's sick that means he's allowed special food.. Ie: get home and the exhausted kid hits the deck running straight for the pantry to get out his box of chicken crimpy biscuits..
  4. Made him a baby-cino using the milk frother for the nespresso yet? Little panda loses his mind whenever he gets one..
  5. Haha that explains me.. Doesn't explain him.... Unless... GO SON!!!!!
  6. Little panda went on meds around 3am.. He's already appearing better.. Wasn't meningococcal or measles. There was a fancy name for it but the doctor said it was basically A meningitis version of HFMD.. Still not cool for the little man.. So yeah if you've got a little one and too many things seem off.. Get that kid to a doctor.. Also if asked 'do you need a jumper' the correct answer is 'yes' not 'get in th f*cking car now!' It's pretty cold in hospitals..
  7. Yeah fingers crossed it isn't meningococcal.. Had a really bad night last night though.. He wouldn't settle down.. Was just constantly sobbing like he was in pain.. We just thought he was suffering a bit with teeth.. Anyway he had a few marks on him this morning (around hands/mouth/feet).. We chalked that up to HFMD going round at daycare.. Was fine playing with me at the park this arvie.. Went home.. He napped for about 30 minutes before he woke up screaming.. And in that short time he'd gone from normal to covered in little tiny blood red spots.. So weird though.. Even at ED I feel bad I'm there in case I'm wasting busy doctors valuable time.. But our GP couldn't fit us in until 7pm.. Then you see some bastard come in because he ripped a finger nail off.. Baby panda is sleeping now... We'll keep checking his rash every couple hours tonight..
  8. Just found out it's not measles.. And the silly idiots tried to make me leave the room in case it's meningococcal.. Yeah I'm gonna leave an 18month old alone in an isolation room.. He's been attached to me for the past 24 hours like a koala.. If he's got it I've probably got it..
  9. Haha yeah I knew what you were getting at.. Just gotta wait here with spotty kid for a while..
  10. Yeah he's been vaccinated.. But he's only 1.5 so it's still serious..
  11. Baby panda and I are going into isolation until his blood tests clear him of measles..
  12. Sweet I should be able to find a guide.. Already got the wifi HDMI for mine so I can watch whatever I'm watching on the TV (Mainly use that when travelling)
  13. By rooted you mean using a non standard OS?
  14. Please give me an exact product list to make that work
  15. It should.. On that note I am also feeling tired.. Since I didn't get to watch goldeneye tonight.. And I didn't get to watch the new episode of suits.. I'm going to go to bed pissed off and only slightly pissed
  16. Now that's a reference I understand.. Shed is dark.. Torch is in the drawer.. Takes effort to get the torch out..
  17. Appar-Huntley so.. With luck it'll be like 60/40..
  18. Oh... Yeah trust me 50 ain't even f*cking close at the moment.. I am the 10%
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