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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. http://www.wavetrac.net/download/Wavetrac_Differential_Warranty.pdf Limited lifetime warranty.. Tells me that they could wiggle their way out of it if need be..
  2. So.. Destiny + 2/3 bosses killed in a darkness zone + internet connection dropping out =
  3. Working on a weekend.. Yikes.. I remembered why I don't do FIFO.. My Friday night and recovery Saturday was massive that I was actually feeling depressed right until I realised I had another day of weekend..
  4. Oh you're new here.. Who doesn't have a photo album of cakes!! It's incase I get hungry..
  5. Where's pazzo when you need him? Didn't he have some similar problems with his manual?
  6. Cause you got old mate.. You'll start getting invited to funerals soon.. How was everyone's weekend?
  7. PS that bikini was drawn on be me so dags didn't have to delete that photo again..
  8. IOS 8 can EABOD!! Alright I f*cking delete photos (after uploading certain ones to photobucket) so they get deleted!!!!! Then I can pass my phone off to whoever im with to show them a photo.. Not so that it shows them what I recently deleted when they hit the back button!!!
  9. I'm with Ralphy.. Done a few island weddings. Still put $100 or so in the envelope.. But outlay was around a grand each time on my part..
  10. It's amazing how dags always appears around the same time tits are posted..
  11. Going for a round of golf like a loner. (By myself).. Got stuck behind two groups of 1 adult and 3 kids.. They wouldn't let me play through.. Skipped two holes to get in front of them...
  12. Not correctly tipping either NRL game this weekend.. Means my third place in the tipping comp is now shared with another bastard.. Down to the wire on who gets the money!
  13. Eye fillet and baked potato.. Simple and tasty.. On that note my usual method for cooking eye fillet doesn't work in the scan pan.. Must retain too much heat and it burnt the base of the steak when it went into the oven.. Ended up with a medium to medium well steak instead of the medium to rare I'd usually cook..
  14. Saw a chick with legs that went higher than my chin..
  15. Where are your priorities mate? It was an iphone 6.
  16. http://www.9news.com.au/technology/2014/09/19/10/37/first-iphone-6-bought-in-perth-is-dropped-on-ground
  17. Actually really started to get into destiny last night.. Playing a warlock.. Still got a long way to go.. The real annoying thing is how long it takes your ability to 'supercharge'.. Because quite often you kill one 'major' enemy and then an even bigger one turns up.. So I kind of hesitate on using the ability just in case.. and then realise that I could have saved myself 10 minutes if I had of just used the ability on that guy cause he was the last guy in the level.. The bounty system is good.. Setting yourself tasks to achieve both in Multiplayer battles (The crucible) or in single player. Complex ones like kill 2 enemies with one shot, 20 times or fairly simple ones like melee kill 30 enemies without dying..
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