bacon and egg burger made me feel good today.. Coffee made me feel better.. All my bosses being at the gold coast for a 'meeting' made me feel excellent..
I love it but I hate it.. DAMNIT Y U SO KONFLICTED!!!! Work looks brilliant but I have this thing.. (Shrink calls it OCD or something).. But I can't handle logos/stickers (or pictures apparently) on cars that aren't mirrored/symmetrical.. I want the driver side to be perfectly mirrored to the passenger side.. But that also goes into the reasoning why I hate rims like this: because from opposite sides of the car the spokes are facing forward/backward.. Artwork looks sensational though mate..
Well some interesting views. I don't consider religious people nutters because they are religious.. I can sort of proclaim that I am semi-christian.. (Ie: I got fairly disillusioned with the whole church thing and largely realised that church is big business so I'm teetering between my christian upbringing and largely agnostic views on things). My view on the government is that sure there is probably a bunch of stuff we aren't getting told.. The sh*t going on overseas scares the crapola out of me.. One could almost refer to the commitment of troops as a necessary overreaction.. This problem over there is neither going to sort itself out or go away.. Some government persona on the radio the other day put it excellently.. "There is a line drawn between 'freedom of speech' and encouraging violence". I'm still not a huge fan of getting involved overseas but I don't believe these minor governments in those little countries are able to deal with this sort of thing. Jackie Lambie -> Needs to be put down faster than a playboy mag when your mum opens the bedroom door.. Raids in australia? -> We need to define terrorists better.. I can't comment on these raids as I don't know where this information is coming from.. If the information is being fed out of people that should know (ASIO) then maybe they are justified.. If it's local police acting on government direction then it's a different kettle of fish... I think they are a bad idea being this public because eventually someones gonna play the race/religion card and inspire more nutters to the cause.. However in the scheme of things.. IS ISIL making us look away from russia and china?
So the internetz news tells me that there is a countdown on to nudey images of Emma Watson coming out.. Every teenage boys wet dream is about to happen..
brb.. just gotta go talk to one of my mates about crippling a plane.. Though it does remind me of a massive argument with one of my bosses.. I was planning on driving out to a job site (8-9 hours on the road).. He cracked a wobbly and told me to drive to brisbane and fly to a nearby town then hire a car and drive 2 hours.. Resulting in cost savings to them for not having to pay me for 8 hours as I could get there in about 6 if I flew.. Drove to brisbane.. Checked luggage.. Went to gate.. 3 hour delay... another 3 hour delay.. oh we are just now waiting on a plane from emerald.. Anyway I spent 9 hours in the airport that day.. + 2 hours to get to airport + waiting an hour for the hire car people to turn up as I got in so late at night + 2 hour drive to site + roo in the hire car.. All of a sudden he realised it was cheaper to let me drive to site from then..
Sureshift automatics website reckon autos need a filter change every 20,000km and full flush every 40,000km.. Was on their website reading something else and then read this thread..