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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. How do you fit the tablet in your pocket on the way to the crapper?
  2. Fark ups also hit cafes, pedestrians, cyclists and that's just naming the ones I've seen.. Frankly the power of the car doesn't matter when it hits something.. It's the momentum of the car.. Any car can leave the road at 100km an hour and hit a tree and the power of the engine makes no difference to the outcome of the crash.. Higher power cars just allow us to get to stupid a lot quicker than most.. Randomly enough my professional opinion is that P Platers in high power cars aren't that dangerous (but I don't think burnouts are dangerous either - that's not saying that I think they should be done on public roads though). Higher power or low power you're gonna get a Muppet who wants to see how fast he can go.. High power maybe more unstable with quick acceleration but if they lose it under 60 the severity of the accident will be a lot lower.. Biggest thing is about teaching them that if they want to be a knob, don't be a knob with people around or passengers in the car.. You'll never stop young people (and some old people) having testosterone moments.. But if you can educate them to minimise the collateral damage then you're making some headway..
  3. Did 52 hours in 3 days rab.. Nearly 3000 kms of driving in that also.. I'm loving my day off now..
  4. Bastard.. On that note.. Not at work though so it's impossible to stay angry at a pixy..
  5. Brooklyn Nine Nine.. Not sure if mentioned.. Pretty easy watching..
  6. I'm leaving for site in half an hour.. But I will try to download the email and review it on my way back tonight. But any architect worth their salt should be able to design around a budget.. Was it ducks nuts inclusions?
  7. Angel.. Can I see your plans? Can PM you an email address if you like.. Builder may hugely over quote because they don't want to build it (too hard basket)...
  8. Anyhow.. Bored out of my mind waiting to head out to charleville.. 3 hours out.. Daytime audit of site.. wait for sunset.. night time audit of site. 3 hours back.. Boooo..
  9. Holy crap.. I good luck getting anything 5 figures.. Guessing you bought from a dealer?
  10. You don't have much luck in getting promoted do you mate?
  11. I took 8 strokes off my best yesterday also.. You can call me Victa.. Cause Two stroke now.. unrelated: http://www.carthrottle.com/how-much-of-a-petrolhead-are-you-really-70-per-cent-means-youre-doing-well/
  12. InApril sounds like a porno.. Would be awesome.. Charleville tomorrow.
  13. Getting sent to Injune.. I mean seriously who calls a town Injune.. Why not Inspring.. Sounds more mattressy and sleepy..
  14. Jesus.. Not much give in heavy machinery..
  15. Anyone wanna swap cantbef*ckedometres? Cause seriously mine busted a while back.. And now it tells me it's always full..
  16. Definitely that.. What f*cking idiot gets married 5 times.. Yeah sure maybe give it a second crack.. But if you have two failed marriages chances are the girls aren't bat sh*t crazy and you need to start looking at yourself to find the problem.. Anyway.. Arse to mouth if you know you have to kiss her shortly after.. Or Herpes shag..
  17. Day off in qld.. Celebrating our adopted South Sydney team winning the grand final..
  18. Full hair average dick.. (Seriously size doesn't matter if you know how to wiggle it right) Grass fed beef Or Grain finished beef..
  19. Get the skoda out of the water kimbo.. It's scaring the kids
  20. Please tell me you found that number on a breath test At home?
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