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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. Finding out some had to pay 75c for sauce almost pisses me off worse than driving 3.5 hours for a damage control meeting because someone else f*cked up.
  2. Fluff. I've been cool with most of your ridiculous furniture choices.. But.......... Why?
  3. I work with plenty of people who feel the need to answer their mobiles on speaker and walk around the office. It's so f*cking stupid. Quite often I walk into my bosses office and he turns to look so I start talking. Then he points to his mobile which is on speaker on his desk. But neither him nor the f*ckers on the other end were talking.
  4. Pics of collapse? Dudes. Don't get me wrong. The gardens do looks great. But f*ck palm trees. f*ck them right to hell.
  5. So randomly. Are you allowed to unrestrict a learner approved bike over there? I'm QLD once a lams bike always a lams bike. Even though things like the ninja literally just have a bolt in the throttle.
  6. Should have said 'Two of the Directors' Companies merged and he got his wife a seat on the board.. 5 Directors in the company. 3 work their arse off.
  7. ^^^ Done heaps of work for this mob.. So I'm fairly certain I know what the place is like.. Good mates with most of the employees.. I took an opportunity to put my name in the hat ages ago. Kind of guts me a bit because I've worked my arse off for the currrent mob. I really like the people. Just one of the directors is a c*nt and he ruins it for everyone.
  8. Job Interview next tuesday.. I was originally shopping for a job that was less responsibility and less money.. AND it seems like I've somehow hit the workforce lottery. Less responsibility and more money.. I need to grill the interviewers next week because this sounds too good to be true..
  9. Fark that's ridiculous.. Looks like if he had of kept going he would have lost it completely..
  10. My view? 'Experts' are rich and get press coverage. So if they say the market will slump. People sell. When people sell desperate.. rich people buy cheap.
  11. I like the fact that I bought in a slump.. and given some major infrastructure near my place I expect the value to soar in the next 3 years.. At which point I divide my block in half and move further out of town..
  12. No good Pixy.. But I'm glad you and the family are safe..
  13. Chilling out after finishing painting this evening watching Taken. Drinking a beer. Can't believe I have never watched this movie.
  14. How long is warranty and do you bastards keep receipts?
  15. Haha sounds awesome. Glad to he's my vivosmart isn't the only one that's stopped vibrating and the screen is f*cked.
  16. Pfffttt.. I don't operate sh*t.. I get paid enough to tell other people how to do their jobs..
  17. ?? Last time I checked skinny flexible crappy conduit was a crapload cheaper than rigid (Internal use only stuff).. (Also last time I checked this was the crap that NBN has been using all over my area) But yes that is right.. Hence why conduits usually get bedded before any rock gets dumped on top. But I have put a 30t vibrating drum over the top of a HD conduit just bedded in sand and it didn't break..
  18. Mate I want to play devils advocate. But read the conditions of your sale. Generally you buy the land/house as is. That's why you get all that time to organise building and electrical and pest inspections etc. But in saying that as well. Nothing sh*ts me more than people who cheap out and install internal flexible conduit underground instead of HD PVC or at least PVC. I hope you get a good outcome but don't be surprised if you don't get anything. Edit: instead of the old owners if you have an email from the real estate claiming the conduit is installed or all working etc, that's probably a better line to try for reimbursement.
  19. Not sure about NSW but in QLD it depends on the quantity. There is a self assessable code (meaning you go through a checklist and check compliance) up to a certain amount, beyond that you don't need to check. It's about 4000m3 or 10000tonnes.
  20. I got coil overs. They were totes awesome until my first trip of 200km on QLD country roads.
  21. Hey I came good with pics. Plus you don't want pics of my dentist.
  22. I used to be cool... But apparently stripes doesn't think I'm cool anymore..
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