Hey fluff.. I did some reading on this a while back. Mainly about isofix.. Anyway australian law requires the seat to display an Australian Standards compliance sticker.. (Similar to what you need on a motorbike helmet).. However unlike motorbikes etc the law hasn't been amended to allow USA standards (like DOT helmets etc), the child restraint law still requires an AS sticker.. So.. Option A - it's your kid.. Chances of a cop checking the sticker are slim to freaking none.. However if you have a baby seat that screams 'I didn't buy this at pram warehouse!!' Because of it has a huge RECARO logo on it, well... If I was a cop I'd check it out because I wanted one like it.. Option B - pay an upholsterer to reupholster your baby seat on the same trim and maintain the AS logo stamped on the plastic..