What pisses me off.. Now this probably doesn't apply to everyone but I'm gonna rant.. Gone are the f*cking days where it was okay to have a bad day at work.. These days now as a bloke it seems like we are expected to be at work as soon as the sun is up, work our arses off... but then come home.. be completely happy and listen to how horrible the day was from women who stayed at f*cking home looking after a kid. Now to be perfectly clear I'm not asking to be treated like a king because 'I'm the breadwinner' or any of that sh*t.. Just currently my day goes as follows.. Wake up, Get kid up, get kid breakfast, get self ready, get kid dressed, drink a coffee I intentionally made only luke warm so I can get it down fast, get out the door and get to work. At the moment work feels like I'm being dragged through sh*t on a day to day basis.. By the time I finish and get home, I'm exhausted. But as soon as I walk through the door, BAM kid! Don't get me wrong I love the little guy, but coming home time coincides with cranky evening kid. So straight away.. Kid who wants to be played with to be entertained.. Play with kid, cook dinner, eat dinner, bath kid, sit on couch with him to watch the hoot nightwatch song.. brush his teeth put him to bed. All this time listening to a bloody woman tell me how tough it was looking after the kid all day.. NO f*ckING OFFENCE BUT YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANTED TO BE A STAY AT HOME MUM! AT NO f*ckING POINT DID I SUGGEST THAT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA! If I even suggest the idea that I have an evening off I get 'I LOOKED AFTER HIM ALL DAY YOU WANT ME TO LOOK AFTER HIM TONIGHT TOO!' BLOODY HELL WOMAN! He sleeps for 3 hours a day.. You text me every day after lunch and say you're gonna have a nap now.. FFS!! I wish I got a 3 hour nap every god damn day. Instead after or during lunch I drag my arse into meetings with clients to guarantee they keep paying money so I stay employed. What makes it worse is once the little tacker is in bed.. On goes the computer and I'm back into work. Or like tonight.. Rapidly clean the house and then get on the computer to get into work but be so furious that I need to vent on a car forum first. I'm the first to admit that I need a break from everyone so that's why I have golf and probably why I golf by myself most of the time lately. But that's maybe once a fortnight if I'm lucky.. /RANT