I'm gonna throw my two bobs in. Its obviously not gonna be well received but here goes. Simply put I believe the torture those blokes endured and the rehabilitation they had shown should have been enough to earn them a lifetime stint behind bars. Obviously I don't agree with drugs.. But I do believe that its takes two to tango. It's very rare someone at some point doesn't actually get a say about drugs.. Yeah they had the potential to harm thousands with 7kg of the stuff but those people have to want it. Based on the simple fact that drugs are usually a two way street I do believe the death penalty is too harsh. However. Start talking Kiddy fiddlers and rapists and my tune on the death penalty will change. I understand fully that those blokes should have known what they were getting into being caught with drugs in bali. But I also believe that if the indo government wants to shoot people for trafficking drugs there should be about a 2 year limit of the appeals process.. 10 years thinking you could die any day now.. I can't think of a worse torture for a person. What else sh*ts me? The fact that the media and a large portion of the australian population is turning these people into heroes.. FFS in a year or two we'll probably have UNDERBELLY: THE BALI 9 EDITION or UNDERBELLY: THE CORBY FAMILY PINGAS SPECIAL These are still criminals (albeit ones I don't think deserved to die after 10 years - instead should have spent the rest of their life in jail), they don't deserve hero status. They shouldn't be repatriated at the government expense. This shouldn't effect our relatinship with indonesia in any way. These people should be forgotten. Not immortalised for crimes.