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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. Haha.. funnily enough I have no desire to be there.
  2. All my mates are at splendour and I'm like 'yeah.. mattress.. fireplace.. TV. Life is good'
  3. I can't even remember coming through with pics.
  4. I think there is plenty to watch on the AU Server.. At least plenty of first seasons to see if I actually enjoy a show
  5. Well on another topic.. Thanks to netflix I may never ever sleep again.. THat and being lazy the past couple days I now have a mattress in my living room in front of the fireplace..
  6. Fluff Farks Lots.. Stripey wants to Fark..
  7. I agree with Keith. Also.. Fluff surely you can admit that physical attraction actually plays a part in a relationship.. First you need to want to rip their clothes off.. THen after you've done the naked dance about 60-100 times you start to feel a deeper connection.. Ie: have a couple nights a week where you only shag once and then cuddle.. Instead of Shagging twice and showering to wash the sweat off..
  8. Rab your advice sucks. Always put your dick in crazy! Just leave a fake number and don't date crazy. On that note stripes. I am different to these guys. By the sounds of it your relationship with the fella isn't best mates or anything. She isn't using you as the reason they split as it was a while ago. Don't pass up a chance at happiness.
  9. Actually pixy is onto something. It's not your job to determine his fitness to drive. But I reckon going to see him would be very effective. Mention that you only do it because family comes to visit and you weren't aware it was making his life difficult. Ask him where he thinks you should park instead. But most of all.. play hurt. Act like you are gutted that you have helped him with trees etc and he felt the need to put a letter in your letterbox instead of just coming to have a chat.
  10. I think I'm there 21-24th at this stage.
  11. Yeah mate. September for 3-4 days at this stage.
  12. Morning corzza! You in Sydney in September?
  13. Jumped on scales. Also 88kg. But willing to admit that it's a fat 88kg. Work will start on changing the composition soon.
  14. So it annoys me.. but it also makes me feel good. Spending a couple days at home with the little fella. He's been pretty crook among other things so we've been chilling out watching peppa pig together.
  15. I was having trouble even on the laptop before.
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