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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. Any other company I would say there was a chance. But my job is too dependent on being 100% available to sort out people's problems.
  2. Haha mate trust me I work at a 'family friendly' company. As long as your family understands work comes first. I've tried to cut back once before. It lasted a week.
  3. I'd be able to live very easily on a lower income. I think I'm gonna end up taking the lower income for a break. Need some rest
  4. Current job is about 160% of the income of job I applied for. Willing to take a massive pay hit to not have to work till midnight most nights and spend more time with my little guy. Current job would be more than 160% if you consider things like car/phone/computer/shares and bonuses.
  5. Boss found out I had applied for another job. Offered more money to stay. f*ck decisions.
  6. I did the call in sick yesterday. But the reality was I needed to finish a project off which was best done at home.
  7. Morning.. still in bed.. my 7am start isn't looking promising.
  8. Well done pixy. Hopefully it's smooth sailing once the build starts.
  9. I'm sure it'll be fine stripes. I see plenty of resumes that have small typos in them.
  10. Not anywhere near as bad as rabs problem. But seriously lately my body has had a completely f*cked up poop schedule. It's like it is waiting for the warm shower to kick the need to poo into over drive. Then I always need another shower.
  11. Jesus that is rooted. Disrespectful little cnuts And Shrekus. . Gloria jeans is just nasty. Zaraffas is probably the only big chain coffee that I rate.
  12. Same deal.. but only selling one Rex. Hindsight tells me I could have easily fit a kid in the back of the rez
  13. See as a mate I can't see my boss rejecting my request. But as a businessman it's a different story. But yeah my mind is basically made up. Example: currently I am slowing down the amount of work I do. So I only worked to midnight 3 nights this week. So yeah stripes for a long time I have been living to work. Now I need to change that because I've been to burnout point and beyond more than once. Basically since I finished highschool I have worked and taken very few decent holidays. Then I change jobs and get paid out and reset the holiday leave owing. Rinse and repeat.
  14. In other news and I know I'm technically double posting but the two posts are substantially different topics. My boss is an arse hole. A very fair arse hole. He treats you well but he expects a pound of flesh. So since being in his company I've risen through the ranks to being a shareholder and a pretty decent salary. Plus OT, cars, allowances etc. I've just been offered another job. less money.. actually a lot less money. But it's back in the government. A chance to slow down. Focus on myself and my family for a while and get my health back on track. Not hurrying to get junior into bed so I can break out the computer and keep working. I'm basically leaning towards selling it to my boss as me taking a holiday to get my health back on track. Then re-assess in 6-12months about coming back. Basically trying to not burn bridges. Reckon you fellas would buy it if you were the businessman. My main problem is my contract includes a non-compete. So technically I can't work in this profession in this state if I can't get him to waive that clause of my contract.
  15. He loves Thomas the tank engine. And he loves videos of construction machinery in action.
  16. Had to take my little fella into work on my day off. Had a few things that needed sorting out. Ended up in a meeting with clients with a 2 and a half year old. He was so well behaved. Didn't complain. Just sat quietly. Until mid discussion I hear 'Scuze me.. Scuze me' When the entire meeting looked at him he said. 'UMMMMMMM.. I LOVE PEPPA PIG!!' I couldn't help it. I cracked up laughing
  17. Haha understandable. I am just taking a a day off to look after the little fella as his usual Thursday arrangement cancelled.
  18. You are swearing at the wrong person their stripey. But imagine how much housework fluff can get done in that time!
  19. Morning you lot. Did I mention I have a day off today?
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