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Never had any say Panda

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Everything posted by Never had any say Panda

  1. Looks good..bad reviews are good.. they lower my expectations and I expect something to be bad and I'm like 'WOW THIS IS ACTUALLY AWESOME!!' when it's actually only maybe 5/10
  2. yeah.. I've experienced it before.. but not to this extent.. I'm trying to figure out a fix because this lovely person though certain road structures only had to withstand forces from the top down.. But it's now looking like this fix could come out of the companies liability insurance or out of their own pocket to avoid a claim.. On the upside further cementing my claim for another payrise..
  3. When someone leaves the company and you take over a few of their current jobs.. And you find some pretty f*cking big mistakes.. so you check a couple of their older jobs (which have already been or are currently being constructed).. And you find some even bigger mistakes.. sensational f*cking mess..
  4. He's fine.. Little bit of allergy according to doctor.. Not heart disease/cancer or anything else in the top 10 incurable diseases in the world..
  5. I think he's fine.. Wife is sure he is dying.. I think she needs to get off google
  6. At doctors with the little guy.. Great start to the week..
  7. been sitting in front of the computer for 4 hours doing work.. using a seat from the dinner table and an ironing board as a desk.. #thethingsIdotohidefromthemotherinlaw
  8. Haha dunno when I'm down that way Corzza.. I swapped out a training course in SinCity for 3 days of free booze at a conference in Brisbane..
  9. Lets just say It's been a long dry season..
  10. Need more sleep.. Less work.. And lots of sex, alcohol and food.. See I'm dreaming already and I'm not asleep..
  11. I wrote a thesis on the subject., I'm the master of explaining something quite simple in as many words as possible :-P
  12. Actually the more worn tyres get the better they grip in the dry (to a point).. The older they get the worse they grip due to rubber hardening.. Grip is about macro texture of the road surface and tyre contact area.. Bigger contact area (slicker tyres) means more grip.. However slicker tyres in wet means you don't have the tyre channels to expel the water and essentially aqua-skip time after time in really quick succession which can lead to death or serious injury..
  13. I got thrown under the bus in a big way with our compliance audit today.. I know if I f*cked up it would have bitten me in the arse hard.. But I think I did okay... He didn't open the boot of my car or my filing cabinet so all the hidden stuff stayed hidden.. But what really pissed me off this arvie was watching one bloke throw his co-worker and good mate to the wolves solely for a slim chance at a minor promotion.. They've been working together for about 10 years through multiple companies.. The promotion would be worth like 7k on top of them already having decent 6 figure salaries.. And he completely hung his mate out to dry.. I know this because I interviewed both of them and his mate even said he felt guilty applying because he was really hoping that they'd both go up a level together.. I don't recommend dogs for promotion..
  14. Origin night.. But 3am start.. f*ck it no sleep needed!
  15. I measured up some J pipes using a frequency/decibel meter at work.. Using the frequency of the exhaust we could calculate the perfect length for a set of J pipes.. Exhaust shop thought we were mad but it worked really well.. That was a while back.. Now every *beep* and his dog wants J pipes on his SS/SV6 Edit: Realised that was very off topic.. Awesome write up Ben!! and congrats to everyone on the forum for continuing to be stand out blokes for service and assistance.. Except Pat.. He's a *beep* I hear..
  16. Nah we aren't allowed to delete any project communication.. So since I'm too lazy to fill out a communication log every time I receive something important I just leave it in my emails and every couple weeks bitch to the IT guy to increase my mailbox limit..
  17. Auditors arriving tomorrow to check our record keeping.. 40gig of emails says my correspondence records are pretty far out of date.
  18. Not much fun there stripey.. I'm currently writing a letter informing a client that after our 'progress meeting' in which he completely changed the scope.. It's gonna cost him a sh*t load more money..
  19. Cause the media is trying to sensationalise the 'hoon' factor.. On that note I don't 100% agree with it because a sub 130kw/t turbo car could easily become a >130kw/t car with minimal works that wouldn't be too visible to the po po.. But I also understand the need because the system does get clogged up by people needing exemptions etc..
  20. Nice.. I did stuff.. Then did more stuff.. And have decided I might be able to handle working for a living..
  21. All the muppets on Facebook saying 'Oh awesome when the law changes I can drive a VS club sport on my P's' Scuse me but did you read the f*cking article!
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