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T Rav

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T Rav last won the day on August 21 2011

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  1. They should clean them and if they don't they should let you know my mate had his ss serviced at Expensive Daewoo for 6 years and they never cleaned his k an n that is bollox
  2. That's a lot of kms for the year mate
  3. Get your car too Xft you can't go wrong he knows what he's doin I've had two cars modded and tuned by Simon and both have never missed a beat since he touched them performance and reliability wise brilliant
  4. Mean cooler though had one on my ba and fg xr6 turbos and haven't had an issue so will recommend to anybody
  5. Mine has a small cut in the dust cover under the car on the fg for the pipework
  6. Go nizpro small cut is needed you only have too look at the results no matter how big or small your plans for your car it won't let u down
  7. Your tuner will be able to tell you if your valve springs are f*cked I personally would replace them anyway although I believe bf springs are the best stock ones that ford have made I know ba and fg are sh*te having owned both model xr6t and my tuner at Xft tuning recommends pw cooler as the next best option after nizpro so I hope it works for ya man
  8. Get nizpro cooler mate I've never seen power loss or heatsoak at all car runs the same every time I drive it I live in Perth weather is not as hectic as where your from but it does still get quite hot Xft f6 uses nizpro cooler and makes over 1000hp atw and will do in hot temps as well
  9. T Rav

    Screamer Pipe

    Ok got 314rwkw from those mods at Xft in w.a. Wen I got them done ill do the waste gate and screamer mods and get a retune happy with the power for now as is but want that external gate noise haha
  10. T Rav

    Screamer Pipe

    Do you need too get a re tune if you weld the internal gate and do external on the exhaust manifold or is it ok I've got fg xr6t done valve springs 4 inch nizpro exhaust, nizpro cooler,id1000 injecters, actuater don't know if the mods make a diff to wether I need a tune or not
  11. T Rav

    Screamer Pipe

    Ok sweet mate I'll have to wait until I get the gtx 35 and external done
  12. Can you put a screamer pipe on a turbo car with an internal wastegate I didn't think you could but a guy at work told me you can???an answer to this would be helpful Cheers lads
  13. Have you had the car tuned cos if not I would recommend a custom tune from a reputable tuner in your area
  14. I have the pw pump and surge tank and nizpro overboost valve for engine insurance and max power out of the small turbo on pump98
  15. I've got nizpro cooler,valve springs full xft nizpro 4 inch dump twin 4.5 inch cats exhaust upgrade,valve springs id1000 injectors re gapped plugs,cooler thermostat,actuater and custom tune from Xft in Perth 314kwatw I'm happy as with the power and reliability of the fg but car is ready for next lot of upgrades as I wish to do them like the lads say don't penny pinch if it agrees with your budget you won't regret it in the future!!! Good tuner and quality mods makes all the diff
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