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About crawf

  • Birthday 21/10/1989

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  • Location
    golburne valley
  • Interests
    moties, snowboards, hunting
  1. Happy Birthday crawf!

  2. Happy Birthday crawf!

  3. Happy Birthday crawf!

  4. Happy Birthday crawf!

  5. Happy Birthday crawf!

  6. I changed the coils and all my problems went away. here is a photo of what was wrong with the coil; if u see anything like this on your coils replace them and u should be right. good luck mate
  7. the gap was whatever the gap was out of the pack. like I said it was running normal until the other day. what should the gap be? I bought good ngk irridum plugs about 2500kms ago it comes good every now and then it will come back. ive been reading on other posts and they are saying it could be a blockage in the VCT solenoid or a sensor on the throttle/throttle body. could it be a problem with the fuel air mixture? say a dirty fuel filter? or could it be dirty/old oil? it is a little overdure for the 105,000km service. it goes into ford on wednesday and hopefully they can tell me the problem
  8. I re-gapped the plugs to 1mm and cleaned the white build up around the bottom of the coil. that solved the running rough problem but I was still left with the flat retarding feel higher up in the revs. last night a put a k&n filter on and has seemd to get rid of most of it. it smoothed out the delivery of the boost... before that it felt like it was coming on in stages. I dont seem to be getting any blow off (or sneeze) from the wastegate like I was before... is that normal? or is there a problem?
  9. u arent alone there mike. mine is doing the exact same thing and ive checked evderything as well. my plugs were changes 2000kms ago. let us know how u go solving this problem and ill do the same
  10. what were the symptoms? I have a bit of an issue my self and thinking it may be in the same area.
  11. hey guys, this is my first post. im having a bit of trouble with my stock BA turbo ute and not sure what it is... at first it started running rough (that problem is solved). my main concern now is the reason it feels like it is running flat. when I get to about 3000rpm it feels like the turbo is being restricted, the stock boost guage is still saying that it is running boost. I have checked all the connections and they are all fine. also between gears im not getting any "chuuu" like I should be. today when I had another look for the problem I noticed some oil around the suction (air box side), could this be a sign that something is wrong with the turbo? any help would be great. cheers! here is a photo of the oil.
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