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Everything posted by RIPGMH

  1. He did not say how he became stuck in the pipe LOL Having a good swing at it I dare say
  2. So whats your point Rootster trying to raffle a few blue oval feathers ? No one is forcing you rock the boat for a bet ? the day you went out to wsid down the 1/4, I did as well remember ? and my nugget was doing 12,s on half throtle ,you do that in the v8 without spending a small fortune ,get a few quotes from tuners or constantly run on NOS LOL
  3. FFS nick get a grip ,stop going to those Greek steam/bath houses you are not turning on us ,or are you ? most of the 8s are great for a w/end cruiser ,im tempted my self,but times have changed and the chest beating of v8s is overated you know a rotary will also produce nice sound and vibration to keep you arse nimble LOL All stirring aside ,regardless of your choice enjoy it bud
  4. It appears this is a commun story amongst anyone re-building their engines , its probably best to double the time frame you are given to avoid dissapointment,however im not justifying peoples inconpetence,hopefully the wait will be woth it
  5. Change fuel filter and check coils

    New Ride

    Looks like a nice buy, now being a Manly supporter all I would add is an eagle on the bonnet lol enjoy
  7. That was a nice calais indeed ,used to have one myself just quietly ,the Ford though is a different proposition Endless torque and potential enjoy and wellcome
  8. Common enough teasing...................................elaborate
  9. The long painfull journey of this build will be worth it in the end,thanks for sharing with the other Ford tragics
  10. I might have to move with the times and invest in one of these micro fibre cloths,thanks for the feed back
  11. Yeah it leaves the line hard enough to detach the side skirt,must have a nice rear end set up to sixty foot like that well done
  12. I personally dont use any chemicals on interiors other then leather conditioner on the seats,a very lightly damp chammy always seems do do a perfect job on : Fabric,glass,dashes,ps theres been lawsuits in the US against Armourall ive been told by Ford
  13. Totally agree ,the scary part is Seeing brand new cars copping this treatment,lets not get started on automatic car washes with automatic brushes,that's another form of car vandalism,each to their own !
  14. Hopefully the inline six hangs around for a whyle yet , somethings are not trully appreciated untill they are gone imo I still recall the marketing bullcrap add on tv ,when the new Dunnydore engine appeared on the engine Dyno ,with tossers in white coats revving it up,it sounded like a camry LOL Same engine ended up in alfas and a few others I cant recall I recall reading a motoring article,where the journo commented along the lines: Why would they invest so many millions (Holden ),yet this new locally produced engine is Harsher,unrefined,less powerfull then its predecessor A 30 year old buick 3.8 ? I hope Ford can learn from this lesson,if it aint broke dont fix it,who cares when ignorant people say: Ford is still using a 30 year old design with the I6!,It works perfectly and more to the point it kicks ass
  15. Thanks people,ive allready checked out some of your recomendations,keep them coming
  16. Great result bad luck with the breakeges,great to see the xR6T pushed to the limit,down the track im sure this can only help others Have any of the panels,been replaced with fiberglass ?
  17. Hi Forum members,its raining here in Sydney and forecast is thesame for at least 3 days Just wondering what websites everybody routinely visits ? not interested in Adult ones,im pretty familiar with some of those LOl , im trying to stay clear of e-bay and the like,they just want to sell something Some of my favourites are: Fox sports,boost cruising,several sports sites including Worldgame,footy teams:NRL,AFL,SOCCER ect,Full boost,You tube, any other ones?
  18. AHHH The things you do to keep the peace lol.My father in law is giving my aged scotch botle I bought overseas A good hiding,if it was anyone else,they would be locked out from my place by now and ive got one more week of this FFS,I feel for you I need to use all my will power and im sure you are no different
  19. Very nice story and clear example of hope and Decency in humans
  20. that's familiary funny ,you mention the evil looks when your sponging the car.Same here I no longer worry ,as Im twice as quick as all the average dreamers at the car wash getting their hoses tangled,searching for more change LOL priceless
  21. An old transmission mechanic said to me, it would prematurely wear out the perishable parts inside the g box, at a faster rate then when you dont use it. Or You play you pay
  22. Totally agree with micro fibre cloth , I do rinse sponge thoroughly though Also as above stated early morning or late in the evening,the car washes are deserted
  23. Hi fellow Ford nutters I often get asked by friends and complete strangers, how I keep the car in such a clean state ,without spending a bundle ? I have learn lots from this great site ,so here im trying to give a litle back Now that the festive season is upon us,and im on holidays yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! and still sober LOL I have the time to share the simple good news Its often the symple things that can be underestimated: You visit your local Car lovers wash station,or equivalent in your area (I hear you think whats so different about that?) simple answer : The technique Whilst the other patrons are feeding gold coins in to the washing machine options ,like punters at a Casino , whilst still filling their duco with swirl marks,you come in with a strategy,both cheap and quick and efficient : 1) You select high pressure water wash on the dial and $1.00 later 99% of dirt is removed or loosened 2 ) Like a thief in the night,you pour some good quality car wash shampoo on to a clean sponge and quickly lather up your beast,Warning this activity can sometimes anoy the manager ,because your not feeding any coins into the Swirl guaranteed brushes Read the fine print as you enter the premises: No responsibility accepted for any damage caused whilst washing your vehicle 3) To rinse all the soap ,its best to stretch it out to a $2.00 coin and again use high pressure rinse 4) You then shammy your car and gloss your tyres \ Folowing this simple procedure on a weekly basis, will ensure you dont scatch your paint work and keep your Toy in pristine condition.The only ones who suffer are the car wash business Share holders Merry xmas and Happy New year to all RIPGMH
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