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Everything posted by RIPGMH

  1. PM me with your mobile if you still want to sell your unmarried XCAL 4 thanks

  2. a bit late I know congrats , was the hand brake used to stall it up ?
  3. Hi fellow members ,just wondering how the FPV FG r spec launch control works ? Is it purely ECU controlling torque , is it a separate module ? , is this feature available through the Ford spare parts dept ?, Im sure this would be handy addition to launch my FPV F6,auto off the line , other turbo fans may also be interested in a group buy lol ,thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys after a few years of being here on this forum with a 2003 Ba xr6t , I went off into the wilderness ,drove a v8 Cortina on fun days , my trusty PRIUS is my daily driver lol , Cortina was a great muscle car and sounded great, but I missed the torque of the boosted Falcon , im back I have bought a 2009 FG FPV F6 Auto ,purple in color ,what a great car ! smooth as a luxury car when you behave yourself , but when you nail it its another story ,cant wipe the grin off my face , Im going to enjoy it stock for a while ,then im going to give it a tickle , just to keep the current HSV brigade in check lol hopefully the NSW cruise group will organise something soon ,so we can have a catch up
  5. Happy Birthday RIPGMH!

  6. Nice run Matt your mile an hour is owsome 10sec pass/getting booted out is just around the corner ,Chris is doing great as well with his single legger diff lol
  7. I managed 1.8 sixty foot with 19 nankangs few years back,but I had to deflate them to a dangerous level,this also made the car unsteady at the top end . I wouldnt encourage this for any one else,side walls are under very high stress when tyres are so deflated and this can be a recipe for disaster imo
  8. Well done fellas keep it up with perseverence ,this sport is very rewarding when all goes well , but when gremlins appear you wish you you had another hobby.I went to a private track day on sat Sept17th with the gt club,and had a bastard of a day with 30 degree temps and issues,so this is no game for the faint hearted lol
  9. Great result and enjoy , it also apperars you need to update the adverising to clarify which w/shop tuned your car on your page lol
  10. A truckie told me in Sydney : Bp and Shell fuels come from thesame refinery in rosehill ,can anyone verify this story ? He told me to stay clear of Mobil which is imported from o/seas ,and quality has a big question
  11. How about N XR60T Euro style number plates , I curently have them for sale $ 400.00 bargain ! pm me if interested
  12. Totaly agree about the required check valve in these pumps/surge tanks , these problems are due to the fuel bleeding out of the fuel system when the vehicle is not driven,and the units having to re pressurise or prime up Pain in the ass and poor engeneering imo
  13. RIPGMH


    When it comes to dangerous activities,some are purely accidental like slipping in the shower Falling from a multi storey building whilst trying to have some fun, is completely avoidable on the other hand
  14. Well done it would be great to have the quickest xr6t in the land right here in Nsw
  15. RIPGMH


    In the 80s it was popular for morons to play chiken with cars , now some of these are willing to dice with death themselves,each to their own
  16. As previously stated Blocked fuel filter may contribute towards noisy pumps, also worn rubber between pump and brackets,others seem to think pumps become noisy as they get older ,mmm this sounds familiar lol
  17. Hey its not uncommun for this guys to actually believe the extra 2 cylinders make them unbeateable . Putting some chev badges on recomfirm their distorted belief unless they throw atleast 20k+ (blower or turbo ) they strugle to compete with mild Turbo Falcons Lol
  18. Myne doesnt need a wet surface to snap the tail out and this can happen up to 110kph,wich is our max legal road speed , our cars can be a handfull once modified,regardless of experience. Even the camber on the road can catch you by surprise. The race track is the only place for playing with full throtle for long periods imo
  19. Excellent as long as it all works fine Whats one of these cost new ?
  20. If the weather holds and we have a rarity called dry bitumen im in
  21. Cool this could give FORD some ideas for their lacklustre add campaigns,without a decent add for years,I still remember the original (Cant get enough of this campaign 2003) great audio and visual effects,they were the days lol
  22. RIPGMH

    New Gt-Ho?

    I agree it would be great to see the iconic name HO return , but it that doesnt eventuate, why not do what Motor Mag did a few Issues ago on their cover.Throw some massive BBS rims on the 335,slam the suspension all round,tweak the engine wich has so much potential,and open up the exhaust a litle more,this is easily ahieved without spending 120k
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