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The Outsider

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Everything posted by The Outsider

  1. spotted, fuifui moimoi driving a kinetic 335 in parra. hard life being a nrl star isnt it?
  2. obviously because its an 03 futura, converted to 04 typhoon god knows when. geddit?
  3. no deal because I cant have a mustang ute!
  4. I would reply to this but I know im on your ignore list so not much point really but for everyone else on this forum yes I have an audi. now this looks familiar, where have I read this before? daz its only you that thinks its some sort of competition. just for the record, I also have an awesome mrs and a decent paying job and a faster car than yours, but that's hardly the point is it? there are plenty of other guys on here that have even faster cars and probably even more awesomer mrsess (except freaky) your fast running out of forums to visit and for the most part its your own doing. sure we stir the pot, but have a laugh and move on.
  5. ill send you a pm so we dont hijack this thread.
  6. there is no way your car will handle the e85 tune simply put, your typhoon will be way too powerfull for the futura diff. perhaps if you where to change to the xr6t diff things might improve but you will still have too much power for that setup as its not a typhoon diff. what you really need to do is to swap over the wiper motor for a typhoon one and then and ONLY then will your futura typhoon will be able to handle the power of E85
  7. ill let it be for now. ill check back early next week. or the week after......... promise the stuff is in the post like yesterday.
  8. hardly a sleeper with all the noise it was making! needs about 6 more mufflers to qualify for sleeper status.
  9. what about audi, you got a problem with them or just holdens?
  10. becausenoredroofonpanther
  11. depends how much you got to spend and what quality you want. xforce have a good value for money setup. then you have SMB, manta, nizpro ect
  12. tell me this looks ghetto http://www.flickr.com/photos/mitchelloke/5295299903/
  13. hope its not the one that has been sold about 100 times already. there is a bloke on ebay that just keeps on re-listing his rear housing and doesnt send the product
  14. barra in an escort is possibly the worst idea ever :beta: if you are set on the barra I would do an x or e series.
  15. that's because you have done it wrong, just cut out the m,iddle part and then it doesnt look ghetto.
  16. so what is happening to your factory? what about the mega tray we have all been waiting for you to finish?!!!
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