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The Outsider

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Everything posted by The Outsider

  1. ben@ http://www.extremecreations.com.au/ he does some seriously good work. not cheap but could do just about anything your mind can imagine.
  2. ok well ill amend it then nekminute
  3. this is part of the above article this sums up exactly how I feel about the whole situation. the bolded section makes me angry that more was not done to get some sort of export program happening.
  4. never mind the pipes blowing off. id be more worried about splitting them once you put more boost through them.
  5. love MGF!!! not really sure why they where not more popular? http://youtu.be/5rS8Pm15E0A
  6. this is also my plan, I would like a gt to sit along side my turbo even better if they go out with a bang and bring back a proper super pursuit, then I will buy one no questions asked.
  7. id say stupidity but I think im biased. here is some proof to back it up looks like its chaos on Sydney roads today, all because of a bit of rain http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/morning-express-friday-may-24-20130524-2k4m6.html don't get me started on the fixed cams lol one I go past every day is in a 90 zone on the M4. leading upto it is exactly what you describe, everyone going well under the limit for around 1km before it. nevermind the fact the cam has not been operational for around 12 months because some gov review said it was not effective at reducing the road toll.
  8. I bet that would make for some interesting commutes. muppets around here do 10-15km under in clear conditions 20-30km under if it starts to sprinkle and to top that off every one slams the brakes on as soon as they see HWP on the side of the road even though they are already doing well under the posted limit! and this is all with no car is front of them while in the right hand lane. very hard not to have mini rage episodes when presented with this.
  9. angel you failed to mention if this relation was an Australian citizen or not? all I can say is this is my home, this is my country, I am proud to be an Australian. maybe I have taken the 'send him back to his country' a little personally. im kinda sick of hearing it to be honest, where do you send me? regardless of if I have done something wrong or not I am an Australian citizen, I have lived here for most of my life and it is all I know. if you are a visitor then sure, you can send them back. once a citizen there is not a whole lot you can do no matter how much we don't like it. you do realise you have just sold Australian automotive history now that ford au has called it quits?
  10. looks just like plastidip don't see anything new really. if it works just like plastidip then yes it works
  11. looks like you already have an answer but ill check my turbo springs tomorrow and see what part number I pull from them and report back
  12. wonder if he had a few beers tonight? umm because there is a tree growing through it? edit: wpmo 'SLOW DOWN WHEN WET' what happened to leaving a bigger gap rather then slowing down from the already painfully slow pace most dickheads drive on our motorways?
  13. I was born in Russia, I came here when I was 8. I am now 31. this IS my country. I dare you to challenge me on that. all the people calling out for sending them back or not letting them in here is an eye opener http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/38615 now tell me how you stop this? as far as this goes perfect way to inspire more crazies, just what we need. while im as outraged as the rest of you, maybe a bit of rational thinking would be a better way to tackle these issues.
  14. fkn shattered. have nothing else to say at this time.
  15. im a few months off 32 and have never voted, reading the above it turns out I might be registered automaticly but no one is chasing me. so you can beat the man somewhat. last time I tried to go and vote I wasn't on the electrol roll, they said you can register over there if you wish, umm yeah sure, will do! walk out and have never heard anything since.
  16. wpmo, dodgy engineers building roads in stupid places here is a pic someone posted earlier.
  17. my hand is raised, but I cant save them on my own
  18. The Outsider


    for a position similar to above id say around $80k with access to a car for the occasional deliveries. id take $3k less because I can get my coffee fix while at work. awaits the $80k a year forklift driver jokes.
  19. where is the link?? im sure they test these things time and time again, yet somehow it manages to go wrong at the media events. I remember a Volvo not being able to avoid a crash when demonstrating the crash avoidance tech.
  20. while not really worthy of ridicule that is actually pretty funny
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