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The Outsider

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Everything posted by The Outsider

  1. with a plate like yours, for some reason I just dont believe you!
  2. either your mate needs to learn to drive or he needs to get a new tuner! I have also kept up with a stock 335 GT in my stock xr6t but I doubt its because we have similar power numbers.
  3. I know someone who has this. oh and really do not like the body colour coding inside. looks a bit juvenile. but if that's the sort of thing you like then go for it!
  4. ummm.................... http://www.unitedpetroleum.com.au/united/find-a-store?search=2134
  5. perhaps its because its 'retarded humour' but I just dont get it? its just bray doing some burnouts. check this out! http://youtu.be/MOYjQpEO0RM
  6. and that will be the eventual downfall of the nats. like all things in life, if you cant play by the rules then the party will eventually end.
  7. the more boob the merrier! we should have enough man boob just on this forum to keep the bogans entertained for a while
  8. yeah just realised how stupid that was after I posted.
  9. I dont have enough man boob for everyone at the nats. someone else would need to step up to help out.
  10. any syndey guys want to meet up somewhere before the F3 meet and cruise up the freeway together? maybe meet around hornsby
  11. but if all the women stayed home who is going to flash titties?
  12. im not sure where the wiring is under the dash in the undercover cars. maybe someone else with an ex chaser can help out here.
  13. just check uner the bonnet, should look something like this? that pic is from an older model but they look similar in the fg. http://I.imgur.com/33XsA.jpg if not yours might be under the dash because yours is one of the undercover cars.
  14. another suggestion would be to sort out any possible pre-existing issues before you even think about tuning.
  15. front guard has barely been touched on the terri and the vl is a panckake! and yeah the just pulled out story doesnt really work seeing as there is another car there that is involved. I can appreciate all 1800+kg of my fg that little bit more after seeing this mess.
  16. you do know that to get the best out of the blaze orange it needs to go over a white base? just food for thought.
  17. sh*t must be really tight if your at uni and driving an fg turbo. how things have changed! I agree whith what others have said, dont mod if budget is tight.
  18. if your happy with the price then your not getting ripped off. there are certainly cheaper cars out there its just a matter of finding them.
  19. off to the dealer I go then. wonder if they will just supply the parts and let me install it myself. dont really want to be without a car for a day for such a minor thing.
  20. I was intending to go but completly forgot about that meet. I should be there next month.
  21. no rear housing. still a ripper deal!
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