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  1. No throttle doesnt close any more, re enabled and tuned the torque management fuel and spark cut (it was all disabled when I tuned the car) Disabling all torq management did not work well on my car for some reason
  2. Hi mate I have a LM2 for sale Im in NZ to. Its the complete kit with analogue and serial cable, OBDII cable etc. Not the basic kit. Moving it on as I use LM1 for dyno tune and LC1 in my own car. Asking $450 ono incl freight, flick me a txt 021 606700 Phil.
  3. Yeah, no luck as of yet Ive attached a pic of datalog tonight, as you see it starts at about 2500 rpm comes right after 3000rpm every time
  4. Hopefully he finds something. Thanks for all the help so far guys. Great bunch of people on this forum
  5. ETC Torq managment is set to all zeros Torque Source, Fuel Source and Spark Source is not avaliable in HPT (that im aware of, maybe named different) Ive logged it and its definitely throttle plate closing, then opening, then closing. So definitely torque reduction
  6. I also believe its torque control Max is set at 525, didnt touch that table. Tried logging engine deliverd torque with HPT VCM, but didnt log Tuned today to 247kw on dynopac, I was very happy with results, stock was 203kw. Just looked at the dyno reading, Im hitting 600nm of torque at 2600rpm, dont know if this helps with that table Didnt notice this till I road tested it Hiddeous, I have emailed you my tune and log Cheers Phil
  7. Hi guys I have a weird condition in 4th gear say from 1500rpm to 3000rpm at WOT, whilst logging you can see the ETC (electronic throttle) opening then closing, opening closing etc. You can also feel it in car obviously Only does it in 4th gear between 1500-3000rpm at WOT all other gears are good. Torque management is disabled 2005 BA MKII XR6 Turbo 4 speed auto STD car Tune to 8 psi and full remap on dynapac dyno, using vcm suite Any ideas, have log but cant attach it here for some reason
  8. Car: BA MKII XR6 turbo sedan Trans: 4 speed auto Power: 237 kw Boost: 8 psi Induction: Stock, K&N panel filter Turbo: Stock Valve Springs: Stock Exhaust: Stock Fuel system: Stock Tuner: Me
  9. I cant find Knock retard in my scanner, maybe the BA doesnt support knock retard logging, I have knock sensor volts but that doesnt log. Under ign advance, I only have the option to log advance or advance SAE Im using VCM suite 2.23 beta Phil
  10. Hi guys Where are you placing you external knock detection sensors (LINK G4 Knock block) on the IL6 Turbo engines for knock detection on the dyno? Doesnt seem to be alot of places you can get it There are 2 holes on the front of the inlet manifold that will take a 8mm bolt. Also can knock retard be logged on the BA falcon? Thanks Phil
  11. Hi guys Just purchaused VCM suite from Australia from Scott Hunter of VCM performance Im after a vcm suite/hpt tuner file to suit my car (I will tune it just need a starting point) Ive just bought a 05 MKII BA XR6 Turbo 4 speed auto, car is completely stock apart from K&N panel filter, I removed filter mesh from banjo bolt to oil feed for turbo, replaced fuel filter and spark plugs 95 octane fuel will be used as I dont have access to 98 octane Looking to run a few more pounds of boost and set fuel and timing to suit I have access to a dynapac dyno and have been tuning for around 15 yrs, but this is my 1st time using vcm suite and tuning a XR6 Turbo (usually tune via ecuflash, link, vipec, motec etc Any base files to start from would be awesome and appreciated Cheers Phil flashtune@vodafone.co.nz
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