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  1. salv


    Gents! Has anyone tried making their own air intake? What I'm after is the nominal size of pipe used, the lengths and the angles involved.. as well as nipples that need to be welded on intake pipe! The idie is to go right from the cross over down to the end where the pod will sit. One thing to remember is that the outside diamter of the pipe will need to fit the inside diameter of the the pod filter adaptor. Can anyone shed some light?!
  2. LOL.. dodgy but works for me! Thanks mate!
  3. Bump on this guys.. could really use some help! And my bad; its a female bsp thread to barb end.. but size?
  4. This one has been killing me guys and such a dumb question.. but no one can tell me! Can someone please tell me the size of the fitting required to go from the radiator trans cooler inlet & outlet (which is female BSP) therefore requiring a male bsp nipple with hose barb end- but what size guys? Cheers!!
  5. Can someone please tell me the size of the fitting required to go from the radiator (female BSP) to barb end (to push into the hose) therefore requiring a male bsp nipple with hose barb end- but what size guys? Cheers!!
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