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Everything posted by Kroozin

  1. I found my dud coil the other day by leaving the car idling and unplugging 1 thing at a time until I found the plug that made no difference when unplugged. Started at coils plugs then was going to move onto injectors. Only need to take it off for a second or 2 and you'll notice str8 away.
  2. Get the tune checked on a dyno bud. You will blow your motor up
  3. That's what I've been told.... Am I off the mark? My brothers was similar as your saying.. Assembled then tuned. Runs gr8 only difference being his was a short from ford. Can't see that should matter though
  4. Haha pat I know what your trying to say Keith but how many kW roughly would an auto need to hit say 119mph? Then what kW would a manual need? What % difference in power to accomplish the same thing then how much dif. In % of driveline losses would there be between manual and auto..? Both being a 6 speed in this case.
  5. Gr8 bud, feels suprisingly responsive down low compared to before. It feels like it's just begging for a squirt lol. Only 4945km to go :-/
  6. Manuals mph over the line are always rubbish compared to autos with the same power, can't quite get my head around why there's such a big difference..?
  7. Thanks bud! Joe over at CMS will be tuning it once the motor is run in. Should be back on the road today if all goes well
  8. Anyone have dramas with the actuator bracket fouling on the alloy engine mount bracket? Tried turning the housing abit there and back only to find it still fouls. Is there some bending or cutting involved that hasn't been mentioned?
  9. Sort of Tbh though, the only intake manifold I would swap my current 1 with would be a hyper tune manifold.
  10. Might aswell wait instead of running the risk + you can still give your car assholes without packing sh*t
  11. ^^ my brother has been through a couple of those throw out bearings, I've only had to replace it once. His car is actually off the road now until he buys his 3rd....
  12. Seen the same thing, ended up having to go back to standard. Other one is poop
  13. They do fark up.. Not that hard to change, just be careful you don't scratch the tint with your dud motor if it decides to blow out sideways (kind of thing lol) I fitted an after market one from eBay, goes up abit quicker but it's noisier than standard. Would suggest buying a new one or getting a 2nd hand one. My brother has a couple of 2nd hand ones if your interested..
  14. Funny you say this, mine did the same thing lol though I cbf worrying about it and just used them like a bolt.. Dodgy I know but they didn't come loose any worse than any of the other bolts. Always check the bolts at every 5000kms service and there's never any thing in it. It's the dump to rear housing that comes loose for me. No biggy though tbh. One day I'll go something about it.... One day haha Just noticed I'm talking past tense about my car lol it's been too long
  15. I know what you mean, it's not quite as bladed as it looks though. 10mm in it's 10mm thick and it stays in that sort of progression as it goes, if that makes any sense
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