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Everything posted by Kroozin

  1. this car is nuts with the 4.11's.... hes got the plaz surgey (single 044) with a walbro feeding it and the ID's. We are taking it to temora this wknd... should be a good one. Anyone else goin?
  2. Won't the locator holes where it clamps bugger with that idea?
  3. umm nah fark that.. too many rattles. 12" sub in a matched box seems to do the job nicely you can make it a quick connect to so the whole thing can come out whenever you want. sub amp line level converter from jaycar with the attenuator thingy ma jiggy wiring bits and pieces
  4. the mark 1's have the ghey skinny rods (like mine) other than that well maybe some minor cosmetic sh*t.. but yeh the important change is the motor internals. Best to get a late 06 model or even 07 would be better. Not all the mk2's came out with the good rods. I think it wasnt till after june 06 they rolled out with the better guts but im not 100%.... If I had my time again I would have bought an 07 model to be sure.
  5. the bf mk2 has same motor and what not... brakes are for pussys anyway. LOL
  6. farkin car salesman that's what pisses me off.... oh wrong thread
  7. not if you can pick the sh*t out of it and make him think that no-one else will buy it coz its that farked. Take a standover guy with you and cash.
  8. yup def. buy a bf mk2 T or f6 if ya gunna bother with owning a 4L T too much farkin around and when things arent going right its easy for your tuner to say well I dont know what the f*ck youve done to it.
  9. Having to switch back to 98 fuel for any given period of time pisses me off..
  10. Dont 4get the simple stuff like power windows electric mirrors rust roof carpet worn seats dents n scratchs warped brakes selects gears easy thinking 2nd and 3rd mainly oil leaks on diff, gearbox, motor rear diff bush ya should be able to hear the turbo wind down for atleast 30-40seconds IMO tyre wear chips in paint on the front end gearstick slop all lights are working oil level, coolant level, powersteering fluid level, clutch fluid level also see what condition its in wheel bearing noises when ya turn left or right rattly suspension diff backlash engine noises Air con actually does cool and does heat thermo fans arent kickin in like crazy when the car is doing sfa engine mounts panel alignment Just to name a few... alot of these you will find and expet to see on a car but they do help ya cut the price down.
  11. Yeh ya do get some pretty gruesome nightmares to be straight but I think that and the mood swings are just from the sudden stop of nicotine.. I literally went from full on to nothing. I was that bad I couldn't even cut down just had to set a date and go with. I didn't find the mood swings really that bad anyway my misses said I just a shorter fuse sometimes that's it really
  12. GL with it dags. I was smokin a pack a day.. some night shifts I would just about smash a packet in 12hrs. Bad stuff. Ended up cheating using Champix. The stuff works way better than anything else available. I even tried that hipnotizing rubbish and the accupuncture one they do with the laser. None of that sh*t worked.. the laser one cost me 700bux and I only stopped for a little bit coz it cost me so much farkin money!! I had tried quiting for years on end to the point where I quit quiting because it was just too hard and phuck it gotta die of something right..? Wrong attitude and I look back now after 7 months and would never go back.. Thing is, it was so hard for me I had to change my lifestyle aswell.. last thing you wanna do after hitting the gym or taking the dog for a quick jog is light up and crack a longy or 2, 3 maybe 4 and just 1 last one before bed I'll just have to stop in the servo and grab another deck in the mornin kinda sh*t.
  13. My brother did what your suggesting and he has said... I forget how many times ... it would have been betteer off just buying the car he wanted in the 1st place rather than dicking around making a bitsa. I would probly go with whs^ or nothing at all except for your muffler which could be replaced back to standard.... then just start saving for your mods. I.e intercooler, injectors, full exhaust, oil pump gears all that sh*t. Kinda of a waste of money I reckon modding the N/A if ya plan on pissing it off in only 9 months.
  14. What tyre pressures are we supposed to be running the invos @ with a 19inch rim? Ive been told between 36-38 and now also 42psi...
  15. Personally I find with the longer shifter with the rip shifter base I have roughly the same amount of throw as standard maybe 5mm to 10mm less... but yeh with the extra length I have heaps of feel and it's actually easier to shift gears with more leverage too. With the ability to shift with more feel and ease I have more confidence in changing faster.... everyone's different though.
  16. Just getting some new shoes fitted... Cheapo Achilles atr sports up front @ 42psi and the invos on the rear @37psi. Do those tyre presures seem ok for 245/19/35?
  17. Kroozin

    Tiler Wanted

    Everlast tiling Ash 0410 506 248. He's bloody good, give him a buzz.
  18. hey Hawlass, does your car blow anyflames with the cat being removed.. is it obvious at all your running no cat?
  19. Is there anyway to "flash" in some sh*t to make the BF have an alarm like the fpv? dumb question I know... just curious
  20. makes for a wicked desktop.. cheers
  21. fark.. sorry to hear mate. Good luck getting it back on the road
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