Not a silly question bud, but seriously no offense don't Phuk around just go with a P.W cooler or even go the whole hog 1st time round on the intake system to the setup you would like if you do plan on going bigger. I'm currently on my 4th intercooler and tbh I wish I cut the wasted cash, time and just went with the right one in the 1st place. Nothing gheyer than seeing other cars with everything else the same other than cooler on the same dyno making a stack load more power just because he has spent the extra 300bux or whatever it is on the better product. You think to yourself phuck I wish I didn't be a tight ass b4... Almost wanna sell up and do it yet again lol Don't mess about with your cooler selection. I'm not saying anything bad about other brands, just saying which intercooler I would choose if I had my time again.