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Everything posted by _Velocity_

  1. That wouldn't be too far off the mark if it was a manual but you would think ZF should lose more through the driveline. Anyways congrats man. Takes a fair effort to pull that time off with the stock rubber.
  2. Same here. Front to back. Folder not scruncher. And toilet roll must roll from over the top forward. Those people that put the toilet roll on backwards want to see the world burn.
  3. Pros: It's good enough on its own and doesn't require the introductory movie marathon that the Avengers needed to establish each characters background. I liked the 70s classic hits. John C Reilly's character made me laugh. Cons: It's not the Avengers. Space raccoon is not quite scary enough. Seems like another intermediary movie to introduce more characters for the next big Marvel movie. Guardians of the Galaxy is okay. It's lighthearted take is refreshing compared to the more serious Marvel movies that have come before it but this also stops you from taking it too seriously. The infinite stone ending reminded me of the power rangers.
  4. Bad Words 7/10. A man joins a kids spelling bee through a technicality in the rule book and using dirty moves progresses through to the national championship. Stars Jason Bateman from Horrible Bosses.
  5. Best to ask a police officer or Vicroads and have it in writing afterwards otherwise taxi or ambo would be the better options. As far as fines go better to be caught without a licence than on a suspended licence. Repeated driving on a suspended licence can result in huge fines and even gaol time. Also be aware that police scan number plates so if an unlicensed or suspended driver's car is spotted they will pull it over just to verify the said person isn't driving the vehicle.
  6. One could argue that Remembrance day (11th of November) is to remember the fallen soldiers. No reason Anzac day couldn't be moved to another significant date. We did participate in other battles with the Kiwis. If anything changing it would help teach everyone that our soldiers fought in more than one battle. We lost more men on the western front than at Gallipoli albeit over an extended period of time. Words like Somme, Villers-Bretonneux, Crete should all be associated with Anzac too. I think, generally speaking, that we should embrace 11th November a bit more. Our military history gets lost a lot on Gallipoli. It forged the roots of our military history but its important to remember the other battles that Aussie soldiers sacrificed their lives for. Tobruk, Kokoda, Syria-Lebanon, El Alamein, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam, and the last decades are all very important but are cast aside as they weren't fought with the Kiwis.
  7. Move the Queen's birthday holiday from June to late August. It's not even the Queen's actual birthdate so it shouldn't bother the royalists too much.
  8. She wasn't there Keith. Honestly thought I was being set up mate. Like that NAB commercial where the bloke drops the $20. If it was less money I wouldn't have cared but $50 is a lot of money to a lot of people these days.
  9. Filling up the car at BP just before and I found $50 in the ATM machine. I gave it to the attendant in case the person came back but now I'm thinking I should have handed it in to the cops and left a note at the servo. Not sure the attendant is quite as honest as me :I Seems like the world is going to crap right now. Commercial airliner shot down over the Ukraine, Israel invading what's left of Palestine and a bloke in Melbourne held up at knife point for two boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. Any attempt to understand any of those is an exercise in futility.
  10. At this point I'm hard pressed choose winners in my tipping comp. Any team under sixth on the ladder at the moment is very unpredictable
  11. I'll hire two of those sumo suits and you guys can go each other in the sumo ring
  12. Problem with clutches for example is for paying under $1k there is no duty / import tax. When a retailer orders them over they aren't just buying one so the price jumps up. Obviously not 400% but it is an increase nonetheless. Also unfortunately for us here in Australia our population is small compared to continental America, Europe and mainland Asia so we don't have wholesalers and retailers buying in the same size bulk and as a result not getting the same savings either.
  13. A business isn't a charity and everyone needs to make money to stay open. Don't expect itemized quotes that you can go show to their competition. This isn't Bunnings.
  14. Labour/time is moot as you should be checking them every now and then regardless of if they are iridium or copper.
  15. What's the car worth to you? It's money being spent on peace of mind. How would your insurer see this if you made a claim and they noticed the modification?
  16. Haha I couldn't find this thread to post in it! No idea Kim. What's with the Malthouse - Cameron Ling hate at the moment? Geez he is a prickly old man these days.
  17. Geez I don't log on for a few weeks and there's a boxing match in here! So I'm going to organize a special cruise. Only people allowed to go are Shyfrd and Freaky. Need to get them to rekindle their romance and stop slagging each other off (only in a verbal sense). Where should we send them?
  18. There's a few here from the northern suburbs but they don't post very often. Hard to plan a cruise in advance with the weather we are currently getting. Melbourne ey!
  19. Old man's best mate owned an XC Falcon ex cop car with a black 351 Clevo in it from VicPol. For an unmodified car this thing would eat Phase III XY GTs.
  20. Thought jump Street was okay. Transformers on the other hand... Unless I missed something Mark Wahlberg didn't get the memo about being a Texan and kept speaking in his usual accent.
  21. Not really a fan of the soccer but Suarez indirectly gave me a laugh.
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