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Everything posted by _Velocity_

  1. Food coma ftw! Just woke up from an afternoon nap!
  2. And you always assume they are talking about you too!
  3. Haha I love posting that photo. Gets people every time!
  4. ^^ Haha this guy knows! AzMahooney killed me a few times today then disappeared into the shadows like a true sniper! It's quite frustrating to watch as your team get stuck in a firefight while you watch the enemy flank you and take out them out from behind. There is only so much you can tell your team through orders and even using chat they don't listen Takes me a few years back to Alterac Valley PVP. If any of you have played Warcraft you will know what I mean.
  5. Who does this guy think he is quoting the bloke above him?
  6. Just ate a little evening snack in wait for the traditional midnight meal at my nanna's house. Belt buckle should be releasing comfortably a notch or two in the next 24hrs.
  7. What do you guys think of the Commander option? I tried it for a few games and it seems to have good XP gains but obviously you don't get any weapon XP as you're not actually fighting.
  8. Should be! Will take it for a cruise this weekend to make sure there aren't any bugs then good to go!
  9. So far so good SDP! Glad to be back in a Ford after the multitude of cars I've had to borrow, hire and steal! ;p
  10. Got the car back last night and it looks to be a great job. Silver lining with this insurance debacle has definitely been the panel shop. Stylemaster Panels in Richmond have been great throughout the whole process. Very happy with their work and customer service!
  11. Have you tried dry needling? Tens or APS machine are good for the pain relief. So is OxyContin but we can't use that at work!
  12. Stop being a pansy and see someone about it. Torticollis is a pain. Why live with it for?
  13. Why would the RTAs want to publish something that will contradict their argument for installing more speed cameras? I think the truth is speed limits on average have dropped and cars have become safer and that is the reason fatalities haven't increased in the face of increased traffic on our roads. Driver education, overall skill and awareness haven't been something that the governing bodies have cared about at all.
  14. I read this post earlier while driving. On a private road.
  15. Hoping so mate. Lots of problems at the moment hence no update on the cruise as of yet. Not sure how confident I'll be driving it up there if I haven't had enough time to iron out any potential bugs.
  16. Nah not that one raband, another one in Hallam. Old gym was full of women but the general attitude wasn't very motivating. Can't stand those treadmill / yogalates / coconut water drinking type of gyms.
  17. Still no car. Ford definitely could have built one for me in all this time.
  18. Nothin worse than getting busted with a mirror perv though. All this talk is making me feel guilty for not having been in ages though. As much as I blame the police raids on the gym and being busy I know honesty I've just been a lazy fark!
  19. I wish there were hot chicks at my gym. You could mistake it for a prison with all the tattooed bikies everywhere. The few chicks that do work out there barely resemble women at all!
  20. How are the blowflies out there fellas? A mate told me you have to be careful as you'll eat quite a few working out in the sun.
  21. That's a win although having to visit Sydney is never a good thing! ;p
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