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barra 265

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  1. Thanks buddy, it was nothing. Just needed to be hooked up to a scan tool and all error code clears. bloody computers
  2. Just installed an FG Motor/Box/Interior into a BA. Got a problem where no matter how much you crank the engine, it won't start. I've checked the fuel lines and its definitely getting fuel. The exhaust smells of unburnt fuel. I'm guessing there is no spark for some reason. What are the potential causes of engine not having any spark? I've checked all fuses and wiring, but all appears normal.
  3. Are the ABS Wheel sensors different from BA to BF? Part numbers would be great. I've heard that BA wheel sensors won't talk to the Bosch 8.1 Module as found in FG (I am converting my BA into FG running gear/interior). The FG sensor is mounted differently than the BA ones. I was hoping I could use BF sensors as they are same setup as BA.
  4. Which brake lines did you need to add? My BA ABS Modulator had no lines running to the rear brakes (NO TC), so I just installed these 2 extra lines from a BF. I didn't replace the other 4 ABS lines that run to the master cylinder. Am I missing something? Cheers.
  5. Hi Buddy, currently getting by BA FG'd. Done the full hog with entire dash, body wiring looms, new FG Motor, new FG 6Spd, ABS/DSC. Did you have any need to replace your ABS Wheel sensors? I'm assuming you had the BA Bosch 5.3 module originally, and swapped it out for the BF's ABS unit? I'm unsure if the BF runs a Bosch 5.3 or a Bosch 8.0, but the FG Runs a Bosch 8.1 which I've installed in my BA. The BA wheel speed sensors are apparently incompatible with the FG Bosch 8.1. In the rear, I've managed to install FG speed sensors, but the front ones are too much trouble to mount. FG wheel speed sensors are mounted inside the actual FG wheel hub, while BA/BF run them external on the suspension uprights. Can you tell me what Bosch module version you are running (part number would be great). Do you have traction and ABS?
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