Gday blokes, I know this question has prolly been asked a thousand times before but the Internet at work is unbelievbly slow! Im starting to do some work on my 2009 FG XR6 Turbo, the plans I have so far are; flash tune with ZF tune, 4inch Xforce exhaust system, 1000 I.d injectors, Process West or PWR stepped intercooler with piping kit, Process West Surge tank, All this work is been done by Rob at Monsta Torque, and im just wondering what your point of view is, I know when ever you do work to a car you reduce its Reliabilty, but this is my everyday for 6months of the year and I want to know if this is seriously hamper the reliabilty of her. so just wondering what everyone else has experinced with the same sort of work done. cheers Lads