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Everything posted by Gasman

  1. will they suit a std xr6t bonnet of only v8 ?
  2. it would be applied to an NA engine
  3. where are you gunna get these stickers done?
  4. If you do a high flowing Cat you must get it tuned or you will over boost.
  5. Just out of curiosity , is there a gasket you can use to lower compression?
  6. Furk yeah!! the missus wont let me near our tv lol even with the xbox. I had another go the other night and my frames dropped to around 20fps in metro,not sure whats goin on there . got no crashes though.
  7. Dunno about replacing the brake lines?
  8. I really cant believe how many people still speed through the school zones including the soccer mums and dads. Saw a young lady this morning on the highway almost pull out infront of a range rover. He was doin about 130k, she started pulling across without indicating or even looking. I decided she was not good to be near so got in front of her and to my amazement she still pulled out directly behind with out giving even a car length gap and with out indicating again. Idiot
  9. Anyone got any feedback on the Latest patch? I only played for a map so not much test time. I like where they moved the chat box to and we now get yells on screen, might test that with procon. We can set our servers to 1 player to start like a warm up until the required amount of players join also.
  10. had A 4x4 on my tail this arv leaving work. he sat there for a good K in the pouring rain mind you. So I let him stay there and I did 60 ks in 3rd all the way down the M1 entry ramp until the very end and gave it a gutfull till the 100. Im sure he found it difficult to merge at half the highway speed in his truck
  11. Gasman

    Im In Finally

    Burnout photo is fantastic mate!
  12. cant find the delete button?
  13. My 04 BA MKII also has an LSD and have often wondered the same thing Mine works fine though
  14. Some tuners that I have spoken with recommend removing the gasket to stop the nuts loosening off. I lost the nuts twice in a space of 6 months. The gasket is now been out for a month or so ,so only time will tell.
  15. I do a lot of torrenting, I guees you just gotta know what to look for.
  16. I have been running DMZ for years and never had a prob( you must have gone to the wrong porn sites). I dont even have an AV running on this pc.
  17. Maybe he found it on google images and its the same colour as his?
  18. Yup same here.....Frustrating :tommy:
  19. Get in the seat of my chopper and you will probobly live for 2 minutes before I crash into a building or the ground
  20. Disabling firewall doesnt usually help. Turning off the firewall leaves the existing setings and lets any new programs through. Make sure that Punkbuster A , Punkbuster B, Battlefield 3.exe and origin are all exceptions in your frewall list.
  21. nice, Just needed a little wheelspen outta the roundabout !
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