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Everything posted by Gasman

  1. probably why after my last wheel alignment it got worse...
  2. If you are using Win7 just right click on the file, go down to "send to" , then select "compressed (zipped) folder". A copy should appear in the same folder your are in. Depending on the size though you may not be able to email it.You could host it on a file sharing site as they hold larger files
  3. Might join you guys, 64 player servers make me rage!!!
  4. The new asus bios is awesome, I have the same one. Though everytime I used the software to change bios setings whilst still in windows the software would crash, so it has been uninstalled. Have a mate also with the same issues and a couple others that dont... kinda hit and miss. Asus are usually so reliable. If you have the i2700k you can easily clock to 4.5-4.7 with no worries. If you got kids you can also claim it for schoolwork etc.
  5. Been raining Much where you are? have heard moisture can create little gremlins such as this.
  6. I didnt realise you could water cool your GPU? Thought it was only done on CPU :/ The setting is in the little cog (settings) menu, 3rd from the bottom in the drop down box "Go Offline"
  7. Anyone still having crashing issues with BF3 try this also. Every time you go to play open up origin first, click the gear icon then click go offline. Then open the battlelog browser and start your game. Have played for a few hours tonight and no probs so far, fingers crossed. I have also reinstalled my afterburner as it seems the 500 series nvidia cards have some heat issues in BF3 and I need to run the fans at %100. my top card hit 94c tonight which is very hot. Im still amazed it never flaked out on me.
  8. I started off on cod4 until BC2 came out, never played cod again. The server is still running rarely used now. Now BF3 is out dont think I will play BC2 again. Got another 2 servers doing nothing lol. Wont play MW3 only play 1 game at a time,plus I think BF shats all over it in every way.
  9. I really dont know how people play with wireless,sure you can get good speeds but the consistency of bandwidth leaves a lot to be desired. In saying that ,a mate of mine plays using wireless and he is still very good. Only see him "rubber Banding" occaisionally . I dont blame lag for me being sh*t, I just cant aim :/
  10. Dunno, Maybe if I can con a mate to take me. As it stands I cant pick up the coon till next payday :( Not really worth 2 trips inside 7 days each other. Would love to go as I havnt seen a dyno run before.
  11. I lived out the other side of Roma in a town called Mitchell...It sucked alot. Keen for a night cruise but not until 2 weeks time. Anyone got the exact date of that RDP dyno day? Might be there to pick up my T and check out some hard fords!
  12. yeah we all went to our 32 HC rush server, had to kick half a dozen people to get in as its always full now.
  13. cool ,wonder how much postage would be on those
  14. My average speed is 51kph and I use approx 11.9L Tuned . that's being very light on the throttle and 90% highway driving. Once I reset my ECU and did a blocky it read almost 40L until I did a weeks worth of highway.
  15. I had issues with Blops bc2 and now BF3 on different pc's so I have been through just about everything. Seems that games are released now without being fully tested and get patched as they go. BF3 is awesome but super hard untill you get to atleast level 8. Enjoyed or little battle on the xr6t stainless server tonight , to bad it was softcore though
  16. You may have tried some of these, Try turning off cpu hyperthreading in your bios, also turn off any overlay programs like fraps and afterburner. Turn off any fan profile apps like afterburner cpu-z .Also if using ASUS bios profiler and fan control tools unnstall them. Remove any overclocks. Also run PBupdater you can get the .exe on line just google. Even if you know its installed just run the installer like a new installation. The crashes seem to be PB related, conflict with fan profile and overclocking. Also turn off triple buffering. Even though this game has the latest frostbite engine it hasnt been designed to run properly on top end machines. The only guys in my clan who are having problems are the ones with high end pc's
  17. I used to only ever use xfire, great for connecting into your friends games.
  18. Unlimited channels, Have a look some time. much better than xfire as I mentioned previously. I just formatted my hard drives and reinstalled windows in an effort to stop the BF3 crashes, so far so good. Only have the bare essentials installed at the moment. Well better go re-install teamspeak myself
  19. If you guys are interested We have a teamspeak server you can use. Much better quality than xfire. heres the details if your keen ts36.gameservers.com:9218 > It isnt passworded
  20. Both my servers are set to hardcore and it seems the guys have no probs taking down jets or heli's with any of the guided rockets/missiles
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