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  1. yehh im pretty sure ill stick with what I got until I get off my p's, and save for a xr6t, or even an xr6. with a better diff in mine anyway I could rip skids on command
  2. haha way ahead of you mate id upload a pic of it but too lazy
  3. I spose if I save for when im off my p's ill have enough money to buy a good condition xr6 turbo and also have enough money left over for some mods aswell, hopefully that is lol. aslong as the EF lasts the 3 years or so while im on my p's
  4. I dont think the cops will notice the rocker cover tbh lol but still ill probably end up painting it anyway, if I got an aftermarket cooler kit and sprayed the piping black do you think that would be less noticable then the standard piping?
  5. atm im driving an EF which im pretty happy with plan was and has always been to get a turbo car. but yeh handling that sort of power is something ive never had to do so I really need to get some more experience in a faster car, although the ef does pull alright. truly the only reason I considered buying the turbo was because it will be much cheaper and easier to take the turbo off instead of getting all the stuff I need to make the xr6 turbo. obviously either way I go its going to be a fair bit of work and a fair bit of money.
  6. Okay so in a couple of months time I will have to make the decision between an xr6 turbo or an xr6. basicly im still on my p's and will be for a couple of years yet, but I want a turbo car so as soon as im off my p's I will be making the xr6, a turbo. so would it be smarter to just buy the xr6 turbo and take the turbo off and change the manifold ect. or just buy the xr6 and put the turbo on with an aftermarket manifold instead, give me your opinions?
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