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Everything posted by LazyBrennan

  1. Hahaha yeah this is what I have now I forgot to put the black clip back on to hold the grey one in place. I'm assuming it wouldn't be easy for the grey one to fall out. I wasn't confident pulling it back off the gear box as I didn't want to damage the new bush. Can anyone tell me if there is a "right way" to pulling it off?
  2. How did you disconnect that plastic piece on the end from the cable? I got my new one but it's all connected to the cable. Would rather just replace the stuffed bit instead of the whole cable if possible.
  3. Nah that wouldn't of been me. By any chance do you know the correct way to get it off with out damaging it? Or even putting a new one on? Is it just a matter of pushing it on or do I need to do some fancy ritual before hand? Just spoke to ford and a new one is 130 so I might just go with that. And last person to touch the box was xft about 40,000 kays ago
  4. So this happened the other day. Has anyone had any experience with this before?
  5. Same thing happened to my plazmaman pipe. I managed to get to it just before it rubbed all the way through though. Gotta make it a real tight set up so it cant sag onto the manifold.
  6. Gday guys Has anyone had any issues with there zf gear box selector just...falling off? This happened to mine the other day. Ive heard of the plastic bit breaking on people before but mine just disconnected its self. The weirdest bit was when I went to put it back on I heard a "click" Is there meant to be some sort of C clip to hold it in place?
  7. What's your roster Kyle? Will try and organize something when we are all home.
  8. Haha I got a few more of you trying to avoids the camera The recurve bow would suit the jacket haha I like the diamond edge cause you can adjust it anywhere from 5 pound up to 70 and can also adjust the draw length heaps! 80% let off too. Sounds like a decent amount of people are interested. Maybe we should organise a cruise up there and have a crack?
  9. Was an awesome day mate cheers! Looking at buying a couple of the diamond infinite edge pros. I'll try not to hit a tree next time O.o Doesn't Steve just look fabulous in his partners jacket?
  10. I know the bf2 xr6t's got the B series typhoon rods but sounds like the FG's got stronger rods again?
  11. There must be some decent pistons in the xr6t motor still though considering the power people are making? So are the rods the same?
  12. Gday guys just a quick one. Is there any difference between a fg xr6t engine and a fg f6 engine? Both able to handle the same power, Bottom ends ect?
  13. Thanks for that mate! Will defiantly keep that in mind. I have a spare block all together on stands at home so I'll have to practise. I need a new air compressor. I can't imagine needing much air?
  14. Is most of the time taken up by taking the timing cover off and accessing the springs and then putting it together? Or is that the easy part?
  15. Cheers mate. haha it seems im never close to anyone -.- Id be mad keen on that! Just hope im not at work when the next one happens =/
  16. Bit of a long shot but has anyone here installed valve springs with the atomic tool? I've bought the tool and going to be doing it just if anyone has done it and willing to give a hand, more than willing to pay. im 99% sure of what's going on after a lot of research, just don't want to fuq anything up >.<
  17. MT Mick. that's what he told me any way? O.o
  18. A mate of mine had a engine and gear box built there a while back and he said they put a fg f6 flex plate in? Claims its pretty strong? Any one else know about this?
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