Stock 18" wheels. Whats the hubcentric rings? Sorry for the nub question Im running 245/40 r18. Tyre pressure is 35 in the rear and 40 in the front. Ive noticed my brakes have become a bit glazed on the front ( have taken it to the quarter a few times ) WA suspension tried telling me my front bushes were fine but I dont see how that's possible at 89 thousand kays and there still factory bushes. IM going to be replacing them all soon any way. I do get brake shudder but only when the brakes are warm. I guess that's the brake booster though? First thing in the morning my brakes are fine under heavy braking. ( was just testing it, dont normally brakes heavy in the morning ) Ill try taking my tyre pressures up though, I thought nitto invos weren't exactly a cheap tyre though =/ So far I love them traction wise and cornering wise.