Hey guys,, ok so I recently purchased a set of 20" monaco's online for my fg f6,,,20x10' s with 275's for the rear and 20x8's with 245's for the front,,I specifically said that I did not want the stretched look , so anyways the day they arrived I eagerly opened the boxes like a kid at xmas,, to my suprise,, they had fitted 255's to the rears and 235's to the fronts,, so I immediately rang them to say there had been a balls up,, the sales guy said that they decided to stretch these tyres on because they were concerned that they would rub on the guards with the tyres I requested,, they said fit them and see how the fit,, so I did,, and the offsets are all wrong,,(not sure what offset they are),,,, the rear rim sits wider than the guard,, definitely not what I wanted,, so I let them know and they want me to send them back so the can machine the centres to reduce the offset,, is this common practice? if so what offset would I need to fit the tyre sizes I want and have them fit just inside the guards? Attached is a poor pic of what the rear looks like,,,