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Everything posted by veczar

  1. Don't think this was said, maybe I missed it: People who speed on the stright roads so you can't (shouldn't) overtake but then when it comes to the bends they do 80 or 90 KM/H and hold you up...
  2. I can vouch for the fun to be had on this weekend. The one a few years ago was great. Well done again Gaz on the effort put into the finer details. I would love to come and test the new mods but put me down as a maybe as it depends on my health at the time.
  3. Thanks. What about no brands but what to look for with specs? Also is it worth investing in a decent CTEK or other charger?
  4. Sounds great bean. Where is the project up to? Im happy to help (time permitting) with tips / ideas / design if there is anything you dont know . Will you be building off a standard distro or going more hard core?
  5. What are good batteries or good specs to look for in a mid priced 12v battery. My T has trouble cranking now after my latest round of engine mods especially if I have gone on a few short drives. I have a car computer and sound system that draws a decent amount and also the T often sits two weeks at a time without being started. Thanks.
  6. Dam Id like to come but QLD is a bit far for a mexican. I do enjoy a good cav steak though. Make sure you get a photo of all you standing next to the big cow
  7. Got a current model Fiesta (not base model) one time and a busted up EL wagon another time.
  8. Good. So these lotto's from now on will be in "events"?
  9. Paid. #2506568 Any change of some of us pay $50 and going in for the next 5, next time
  10. Dam think I missed it? Can I just give you $50 for the next 5?
  11. I turn it off usually too but not at night on long trips as on the highway the bright orange light annoys me. It was still off for that reason. iTec answered the query though, thanks mate.
  12. Interesting thing happened tonight, I lost traction in the wet, wheels spun for about 4 seconds, and the traction control off light stayed on. The button would not turn TC back on again until I restarted the car. Maybe because I have more power now? The TC doesn't stop wheel spin AT ALL with my current power level, with my old level (250rw) it used to half work. Anyway just interested on it turning itself off...?
  13. A few of us have had this for a long while now, good to see someone finally do a guide. Most others didnt want to do a guide because it is a fidley job and will likley cause some people to stuff their ICC's.
  14. Mine usually gets a little wet before wiping, except the odd time the water hasnt come out and it dry wipes.
  15. Doesn't matter what you do 80% of drivers shouldn't be behind a wheel anyway. Uncoordinated...
  16. BP Ultimate - town and highway average - 19.2L/100KM
  17. Nice, Just dont do what I just saw: a mum total the front bumber of her nice new fg xr on the high gutter
  18. Get her to ship it to you then... no cost.
  19. I spy with my little eye a dirty white T, Benalla.
  20. "Upgrade" to a PC? Mass effect is a decent game atm, I know its on xbox and PC not sure about wii.
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