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  1. GWS giving Bulldogs a lesson at the moment haha

  2. Not hearing much from the blues supporters now...

  3. Had an April Xmas today found out my car has been tuned and has about 250rwkw I thought it was just a quick xr6

  4. Go Bombers great start to the year !!!

  5. Supercoach League plenty of spots open get on it675484

  6. At the Bombers Family Day

  7. Just wanted to thank everyone that attended our engagement party and thankyou for your generous gifts we truely have amazing friends and family

  8. Patted a horse at the races so a winner for the day!!!!!?!

  9. If there is a bet for 4th place I'll be killing it....

  10. Thanks everyone for the Bday love x

  11. wedding venue sussing today :)

  12. Everyone looks pretty in strobe

  13. so our puppy has decided its funny to stand in her water whilst drinking it also sticking her head in it leaving wet paw prints everywhere funny watching her sliding everywhere though haha

  14. my beautiful fiance Elle Roodhouse brought me Modern Warfare 3 today damn shes cute :)

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