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  1. Oh really! That's Awsome! Thanks for the info mate.
  2. hey all, just want to know if anyone else out there has had to replace their diff/did you replace it with a factory diff or an aftermarket. (ive herd the factory diffs are weak as piss) Cheers.
  3. JBFG

    Center Muffler

    Got the y section installed today. Very happy.. Just the sound I was looking for.
  4. JBFG

    Center Muffler

    Ford freak- no worries mate..I'll just go get it done..if I dont like it I can always bolt up the muffler again. Thanks for your advice!!
  5. JBFG

    Center Muffler

    What exactly did you get done mate??..I want to go in ASAP to do it.
  6. JBFG

    Center Muffler

    Yeah I've heard about the Y piece. Ford freak-reckon you could post up a pic or vid of your set up..might just end up going with this option.
  7. JBFG

    Center Muffler

    hey guys, just another center muffler thread. just want to know what people with utes have done with theirs eg removed it and what not..im looking for a better note...and trying to save money at the same time? I have seen alot of threads about sedans but no to many on utes. Any advice would be awsome. cheers.
  8. Just seems like a sh!t of a job that's all haha.
  9. I've got boost, oil temp and air/fuel ratio..air/fuel I don't know what to run it off...?
  10. hey guys.. ive got the fg triple gauge holder with auto meter gauges , just wondering if anyone can recommend a good auto electrician in brisbane (on the northside) to install them.. Cheers.
  11. Ok thanks guys. I herd if you block It up it can fck the turbo...?
  12. The intake I have in now gives the pchhhh effect..I'm after the flutter or tu tu tu tu sound however you choose to say. Will putting on that bov not achive what I'm after? Cheers.
  13. thinking about getting the same BOV as Dillz...but I have the rapid systems cold air intake/ battery relocation kit..how would this turn out...eg reckon it would run like a bucket of sh*t?? new to this whole turbo scene..so any advice would be great.. cheers.
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