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About mickbundy

  • Birthday 27/10/1909

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    http://who gives a fuck.com.au
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  1. Happy Birthday mickbundy!

  2. Happy Birthday mickbundy!

  3. Dont name the dealership in this post start a new post. With a title something like Here is a itemized account from WHOEVER FRAUD I thought it was a bit dear but damn they done a fine job and leave it at that
  4. RATED X I would loose the avatar and pic of the car with number plate if it is yours if I was you. I would say with that pic you will start to get a lot of attention from the beer drinkers mates Cheers Classic photo but
  5. Google Chief car covers in W.A they make custom covers that fit your actual car EG mirror pockets and if a ute sports bar ect worth a look
  6. Only 2 years old would have warranty on it or is the pipe split from a accident ??
  7. Stuff the hair drier STEPHAN just park the car in the heat ( SUN ) and the badges will peel off you may just have to clean up the adhesive with some turps or something and as said fishing line makes it easy Cheers
  8. Yeah well if you smash her rear it will cost you more than a $100
  9. mickbundy

    My New Ute!

    No grab it aye mate the dealer was not pis&*n in you pocket HONEST yep it was a demo back in 2002 and ain't been used since
  10. want a heated seat try dencorub or vics it heats my seat
  11. what FRAUD won't let extreme do services on their cars ??? HSV will let Marks in York fit super chargers and still do warranty and first services whats the go ?????
  12. I guess that is why they upped the KW's on the XR'S cause they where not going to sell on looks alone
  13. had 4 utes ba's bf's no letter but oh well will stick to the 2002 magna no brake shudder or diff whine or steering rack clunk or caliper rattle must be honest from what I have seen do not think I will be buying a new one Will have to see them in the flesh
  14. should not make any difference unless you have gone ridiculously high on the rear
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