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Everything posted by HER-XRT

  1. As I now have a job and the car is secure...I'm a definate pending leave. LOL! Gotta represent the gals...
  2. Put me as a tentative yes at this stage...pending new job situation once I find one (recently made redundant). Had an absolute ball last year and don't want to miss out if I can help it.
  3. Firstly a big thank you to Gary for organising yet another awesome cruise. I will post my exact figures once I get home (if anyone is interested) but in all, I did over 8 hrs driving and clocked over 630km's. Average economy was 10.3 l/100 km...not bad considering the roads we were on. Got some great photos...had plenty of time at the top of Mount Buller. :ooops: Speaking of which...they say bad luck happens in three's...so here are the three I copped yesterday: Locked the key in the boot of the car. Got bitten by a European wasp at lunch (MAN they sting and the itching is driving me MAD!!) Killed a small finch on the drive home (yep Gary...I did collect one of them!) :girlcray:Hopefully that is the end of the bad luck as the next long drive I do will be route 66 in a V8 Mustang (yep...had to mention it again and rub it in! )
  4. Yep...I'll confess. I locked my key in the boot. Thank goodness for the RACV. At least it was somewhere with a view AND mobile phone reception....lol
  5. I'm definately in. I need to put my new turbo to the test. See you at Wallan guys.
  6. Wish I still lived in NSW...I love Mac Pass.
  7. Was going to say a big HELL YES to the 7th... but can't do the other dates in April as I'll be driving aV8 Mustang across the USA. Have fun guys .
  8. Shame you're not having the meet and greet over Easter...I'll be in town and would have loved to catch up with some familiar faces.
  9. Saturday/ Sunday combination suits me better....don't have to use annual leave. That weekend is no good for me though...it's my nieces 21st.
  10. Requested to be added to FB...no response yet...do I take it personally?
  11. You could have at least picked one with a decent rack on her...lol
  12. I hope she burnt her ar$e on your car...lol. On a slightly related note...finally saw the Ford ad with the bimbo and her heels, taking about her shoe compartment... /facepalm. I'm actually embarassed to be a woman after seeing that ad!!
  13. Great day with a great bunch of guys. Lots of beautiful cars to be seen...here are just a few! Thanks again for organising it Gary.
  14. Hey guys...will meet you at Altona Macca's...that way we can all cruise straight through to Geelong. Looking forward to it - I even baked cookies! :girlsmile:
  15. HER-XRT

    Next Vic Cruise

    Wrong side of town for me....soz
  16. Paid via eft on Sunday. Cruise, arena parking and no judging please. Not sure my cars ego can handle not winning (I tell her she is special all the time...that's enough...lol).
  17. Put on the pink one...we ladies love a mans pink bits!!
  18. Fark....I'm saving my annual leave for my USA trip....butt REALLY want to do this cruise. What to do? Hmmm...
  19. Thanks for organising Gary. I had a great day and it was nice to meet you all.
  20. Haha...safely tucked up in her garage tonight. Any bird that comes within 20 ft of her tomorrow better be a wedge tailed eagle or they are history!!
  21. I have a small table I can bring too...fits perfectly in the spare wheel in my boot. If you want me to bring this (or anything else good that matter) just let me know.
  22. Happy and safe new year guys and gals.
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