Firstly a big thank you to Gary for organising yet another awesome cruise. I will post my exact figures once I get home (if anyone is interested) but in all, I did over 8 hrs driving and clocked over 630km's. Average economy was 10.3 l/100 km...not bad considering the roads we were on. Got some great photos...had plenty of time at the top of Mount Buller. :ooops: Speaking of which...they say bad luck happens in three' here are the three I copped yesterday: Locked the key in the boot of the car. Got bitten by a European wasp at lunch (MAN they sting and the itching is driving me MAD!!) Killed a small finch on the drive home (yep Gary...I did collect one of them!) :girlcray:Hopefully that is the end of the bad luck as the next long drive I do will be route 66 in a V8 Mustang (yep...had to mention it again and rub it in! )