Hi there. I’m new on the forum and I'm looking for some information about what to look out for in a second hand FG XR6T. I'm thinking of trying to find a manual, hopefully ex-demo. Anything I should be on the look out for when I test drive these things. I drove one on the weekend and heard some noises that were a little unsettling. The first was a pronounced clicking noise each time I released the clutch (slight feedback through the clutch peddle as well), the dealer assured me it is normal but it just seems like an odd thing to happen in a modern car. The other was a bit of a clunking noise when engaging the clutch in reverse. Should either of these two sounds be happening or is there likely to be something wrong with the car? It's an ex-demo so warranty shouldn't be an issue but Ford isn't noted for its customer service so I'd like opinions from people who know their turbos. I'd like to drive a few more to get a better idea but finding them in manual is proving a bit difficult. Hoping a few people here can enlighten me about the FG. Cheers