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jadsy's xr6t

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  1. hi all I was thinking of pulling the engine out of my xr6t and putting it in a late model ford courier, I was just wondering if it can be done like a 1jz hilux conversion or has it been done, I have the engine but no ute even if it fits in a hilux etc I would like to know, I just want a work ute with a tray that nobody suspects has a neat conversion lurking under the bonnet. thanks all
  2. Have a look at www.carpoint.com.au if you cant find a descent modded xr6t buy a stocko you can pick up a stock bf xr6t around $20000 also have a look at this http://www.carpoint.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=9912512&__Qpb=true&Cr=3&__Ns=pCar_YearMade_Int32|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|0&keywords=&__N=1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 4294966285 4294966463 4294922209 900 412&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=59&__sid=12D52CC1509C its pretty descent looking
  3. just looking for pics of anyone that has got a custom guage pod on an fg
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