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  1. 2008 FG/T 2 Faults. (Now @ 45,000km) - Diff bushes. Replaced under warranty during service but found oil leaking all over my tiled garage floor some days later as the ford mechanic didn't tighten the engine sump plug up fully. It stained all the grouting - I wasn't happy. Checking oil level it didn't look that bad so I topped it up and went back to ford and told them to do their job properly and walked out. - Aircon sensor, replaced under warranty in late 2009. Now sensor has gone again 3 years later but now out of warranty, so not sure if to have repaired again due to failure rate, & cost. Other than that, it's a great car :sungum:
  2. Nov/09 FGXR6T with 57k on odo. Luv the FGXR6T!! - But had diff bushes replaced twice & rear lower control arms replaced just last week, which I thought was strange for a car with low km's and I do baby it as it was bought new for 47K with options. Oh, had the air-con fail so off to ford for repair and the dash had to be removed. My bosses FG F6 had the same air-con issue with no cold air output with a module behind the dash failing, oh! and the guy at the spare parts division at Ford also mentioned his car, company owned G6E had the dash removed due to the same air-con module issue. Might be a trend, FG People :( - One last thing, repairs/services I've found at Ford needs attention, being that when I pick my car up for whatever reason & on multiple visits and different dealers in Syd that the average fuel consumption readout sky rockets, after each service!. Being that when I drop the car off and its usually at 11.2L to 100km but driving home after the services it's like 45.5L per 100km's with 3 separate occasions & dealers... Go Figure!!! Seriously thinking of purchasing a flash tuner unit with valet driver mode setup for Ford Services when warranty expires. Can't afford to replace diff bushes all the time due to cowboy mechanics with T&M rate charges..
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