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Steve O

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About Steve O

  • Birthday 19/07/1990

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    Sydneys Northern Beaches

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  1. Properly cleaned the intake system, checked all hoses and ran some injector cleaner. Doesn't stall in gear anymore. Still runs rough when cold until it almost flicks a switch where revs rise a tad and idle smooths out. weird
  2. Did you sort this as I'm having the exact same issue
  3. Ok will do. Was just hoping to sort it myself this weekend
  4. Na stock as far as I know. Definitely doesn't go like it's tuned haha
  5. Hi guys, I've searched for a couple of days but can't seem to find an answer. I've got an 07 zf xr6t and when I put it into reverse from drive or vice versa the revs will drop a bit and then return to normal. If I have been reversing into a spot and I put it back to drive the car will even stall. The idle is also slightly rough and when the car is dead cold, as in puling out of the driveway and stopping at an intersection about 100m up the road it seems to surge like its trying to push through the brakes. Recently replaced parts are coil packs, cleaned throttle body, wastegate actuator and oil and filters. Plugs are about 500km old. I'm thinking it may be TPS, a vacuum leak or a dirty injector but am not sure. Any help as I want this sorted so I can get moving on the mods. Cheers
  6. Going to get the code pulled today. Has a slight miss at idle and under load so I assumed coil packs. Disconnected the battery and cleared the engine light. Bastard I bought it off is claiming the old "I've never had a warning light"..
  7. Hi everyone, Had a ba few years ago and just picked up a 07 bf mk 2 xr6t with the zf. Literally on the drive home from buying it the engine light came on and when it was given some boot for a second to merge the handbrake light and a few others flashed on and the Speedo stopped working. Turned the car off and on and the Speedo works but engine light remains. I had it looked at by a mechanic literally 8 hours before I bought it and he said it needs a new coil pack which is making it miss other than that is fine. Any help as I had a coil go on the ba and it wasn't this bad. Dead set shattered. Cheers
  8. Happy Birthday Steve O!

  9. Happy Birthday Steve O!

  10. Happy Birthday Steve O!

  11. Driving down lane cove rd 2 weeks back and swear I saw an acid rush ba with a walkinshaw bonnet, thought I must have seen wrong so I ignored it. Then a couple days ago I saw the same ba again and it does indeed have a walkinshaw bonnet on it. WHY? How does that make sense in any possible way
  12. Steve O

    Wsid 6-2-13

    How'd you go mate?
  13. I went up to Brad Garlick Ford and they were excellent. I called to ask when they were open on the weekends as I work late and couldnt get there during business hours, to look at a fg mkii xr6t with 30k km for $34k. Turned up at 450pm un announced as I was heading back from a site and they said they had just taken the car home, quick call and the car was back and they were more than happy to let me test drive (surprising since I was in work gear and am only 22). Should have put a deposit as it was sold the next day
  14. Yeah usually would. Just disappointed that there are still dealers out there that, despite fords financial issues, are still making no effort to fix its reputation
  15. Just thought I'd vent about some service I recieved at Titan Ford Brookvale today. Went in to test drive a silver 50th anniversary xr6 turbo with 44k km for $31990. After being left standing in the lobby for 15 minutes as he got the key I took it for a test with the dealer. Shortly into the test drive a sensor fault appeared on the screen for the reverse sensors. As well as this it had a bit of driveline clunk from the fiff and seemed to flair at low revs in 3rd. Upon getting back they wanted to know my offer. I said that prior to negotiation I wanted to make sure the issues would be fixed. This was met with me being told that I needed to pay my own mechanic to sign off then they would fix it under warranty after the sale. I replied that I wasnt going to talk prices until I knew the car would be fixed. Upon this I was accused of making things up and why should they trust me. I went to leave and the manager interrupted, asking what the issue was. I repeated that I wanted to confirm they would fix the faults prior to sale. Upon this I was told they shouldnt have bothered to let me test drive, it was clearly out of my budget and I didnt know what I was talking about. I told him it most definitely wasnt and its his attitude that has lost the sale. I love the blue oval but I cant believe how bad this service was. For them to insult me is ridiculous. Ford seriously needs to sort problem dealers like this one out. STEER CLEAR OF TITAN FORD.
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