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  1. Thanks for all the replies appreciate it. I will prob try contact XFT within the next couple of days and see what they say plus ive never heard a bad thing about them and they are the kinda people id like to see. Do you know if they supply parts or is it better to buy parts before hand and see if they can fit them? I will def try look out for the next cruise and try tag along but if its anything near easter weekend ill prob be out, hopefully not though. Plus spotto on a bionic fg xr6t ute that heads into malaga everyday not sure if its someone from here. Cheers Brendo
  2. Yeah I know what you mean by no cars are the same. Heard lots of stories about cars that can take everything that comes its way and others that can't take anything at all. Seems like u have had a pretty decent run with yours apart from a few minor things, which all cars have them. With modding im not looking at getting massive power, 300rwkw at most I would think but u never know if ill want more eventually . Yeah ive sorta took into account payment of anything that blows up, hopefully nothing but cheers for the heads up. From what ive heard xft or monsta torque seems to be the place to take it if I get mods done to it. I live around morley so monsta torque would be closer but going to xft isnt a worry if u would recommend going there instead.
  3. Hey everyone long time reader first time poster. Got myself a Bf 07 xr6 turbo upgrade in ego about a year and 4 months ago and I must say im loving everything about it. I must admit ive always been grown up on liking Expensive Daewoo and have always wanted an ss but was converted by my brother because of the f6 and xr6t and having heard so much good things about them so saved up and grabbed one for myself which now my brother is always asking to drive it but ill prob be doing the same when...so he says grabs an fg f6 for himself. Was hoping on coming to the next cruise and many more after that to finally put a face to a name not to sound like im being a stalker or anything haha. I was also gonna ask what you think of getting mods done to an 100000km xr6t. Ive had a few clunks and bumps but seems to have stopped now dunno if that's good or bad, im not very mechanically minded but love cars, so im not really sure if I should mod it or not. Ive had it since 89000 from a ford dealer for a pretty good price I thought so got it with extended new car warranty. Was wondering if anyone ever had trouble with extended new car warranty? coz ive seemed to have nothing but trouble, except for hopefully my ignition barrel which the back of it just seemed to just fall out, so hopefully is covered. Sorry for the big rant but yeah ill try put some pics of it and chat to u guys soon. Cheers Brendo
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