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Cheaty McCheats

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Everything posted by Cheaty McCheats

  1. Also, only 5's? go 10's with spacers. Real jap spec
  2. +1 for Lukes brother in law - Did a great job on mine.
  3. Oh, once commas have been inserted, it makes sense.
  4. Almost lost my license and car tonight. Pulled out of this blind corner to see a car coming, planted my foot and the back kicked out. Grabbed second and held it sideways up the road for a good 10-15 metres. Next thing I know, red & blue come on and they're going over my car. They ended up just saying "Think about it next time." and let me off!
  5. Hey guys, Just so we can get it in gear, the sep cruise thread is up with a poll. Jump over and put ya vote in, be sure to let us know if you're getting your chest waxed on a particular day and can't make it.
  6. Right, seeing as it's been a while since the last night cruise. I am calling for a friday night, 7.30PM meet, 8PM leave sometime later in the month. Steve/Luke, are you able to put a poll up between 23rd & 30th? I have an idea for a route and will start working on it.
  7. Yep, noticed that just before the site went down and didn't get a chance to post in it. Doing so now Also, 67ms - That's more like it.
  8. And we're back! So much for moving the server to AU from US. Latency is still 285ms...
  9. I like the 1 a month timetable, it goes alright, if someone can't make it, it's not the biggest deal in the world because there will always be next month. ROE is over the top, they have one like every weekend or something ludicrous.
  10. Sure, If you wanna start a thread for it, I'll start throwing some ideas 'round? +1 for the poll, unless we start having the cruise on set dates of each month. Maybe, alternating between last Sunday and second last Saturday.
  11. Not the greatest start for me with V-Power. Full tank, started it up, ran for about 10 seconds then stalled with the engine light on. Started second time without issues and is running okay now though.
  12. Spotted Kyle hooning down Manning road earlier today.
  13. I don't have a Mrs. but I will take requests for my own photos
  14. Are you going to do the fuel pump as well? Looking forward to the results mate.
  15. Hey guys, I'm in a competition with Just Car insurance, I am just going to ask if I can get a vote from everyone. Basically, all you need is Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/justcar?sk=app_233013726736756&app_data=124 Click there, like page and vote for me. :D The rest of the competition in "Muscle" category are Holdens, lets get Ford so high up, they're barley holden on!
  16. Aly & Fila and tyDi were in Perth the other weekend, both playing at different clubs! Luckily, Aly & Fila were doing an 8 hour set so I managed to see both.
  17. Installed pedders coilovers on my BFII and got about -2 on the fronts, think it was around -0.5 on the backs. I don't care about tire wear, I like stance
  18. Spotted Stef last night, not in her car because the Expensive Daewoo has already cacked it!
  19. Re did the piping with factory piping this time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBLVtguee6I
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